For accurate information on each device please check the instructions that came in the package, in case they are missing, please go to our product page and under each product, you can download the latest instructions.

Basic Quickstart

Please follow these quick steps to set up your device:

  1. Connect your computer to the one of the
    Ethernet ports, usually its first Ethernet port;
  2. 连接任何antennas or accessories that are needed;
  3. Insert the SIM card if required;
  4. Connect your device to the power source, mostly power adapter comes with the package. For outdoor devices, we recommend using power over Ethernet;
  5. When the device is powered on you will be able to connect to it with your web browserhttps://, there are several ways to configure the device, theWinboxconfiguration tool,WebFigconfiguration, andMobile application;
  6. Factory configurations are different for each model, keep in mind that there are devices where all access is blocked by a firewall through Ethernet port and you have to connect to the wireless network to access your router;
  7. We recommend clicking the “Check for updates” button on the right side and updating your RouterOS software to the latest version to ensure the best performance and stability;
  8. To personalize your wireless network, SSID can be changed in the fields “Network Name”;
  9. Choose your country on the left side of the screen in the field “Country”, to apply country regulation settings;
  10. Set up your wireless network password in the field “WiFi Password” the password must be at least eight symbols;
  11. Set up your router password in the bottom field “Password” to the right and repeat it in the field “Confirm Password”, it will be used to login next time;
  12. Click on the “Apply Configuration” to save changes.

More detailed information on configurationhere.

If you have manually set up the configuration, do not use Quickset, the settings mayinterfere.