
MikroTik product support service

Most of your questions are answered and explained in RouterOS documentation.

  1. 如果你买了一个RouterOS许可证或hal雷竞技rdware product, limited support service might be provided through oursupport systemor through Contact your distributor for help and support, if the device is not directly purchased from MikroTik.
  2. You can hire acertified consultantfor full configuration support, network design and other diagnostics.
  3. Check our communityforum.

Support request instructions

Before contacting us:

  1. If you have purchased your device from a distributor, please contact them first.
  2. Checkdocumentation and configuration examples.Maybe answer is already there.
  3. Make sure that your issue is present with the latest version of MikroTik RouterOS. The latest version is available at thedownload section.
  4. Give us a brief problem description that includes information about your network setup.
  5. Provide us with support output file (suppout.rif), that is created when problem appears,instruction how to make it.
  6. Technical support does not include training on TCP/IP.
  7. E-mail reply might take up to 3 business days.

If you are in need of immediate assistance, now you can hire a certified consultation specialist. Seethe listof specialists near you!