Is it possible to set the Admin password via a configuration script ?
The password at within a normal backup file but not an exportet config file. I had hoped for an hashed password ore something like that.
The problem is i need to configure 850 individual hAP Lite boxes with an custom config file so i have mad a script that generates each config file so that it can be loaded with Flashfig because each has different IP Addresses and WiFi Settings so cant use a normal backup file.
Everything works but it has a blank Admin password afterwords.
I have tryed to inset the command
/password new-password=12345678 new-password=12345678 old-password=
In my config file but it seems to require some password as the old password even if its a blank password or i at least have to press enter once again.
所以dos派似乎工作把我这条线n a config file.
Anyone have en ide how to set the password via a configuration file, because would be a lot of extra work for me logging in en each of the 850 boxes and manual setting the password.