which polarization would you use?
Horizontal or verikal?
It is a control tower with sector aerials.
look this test in real world, for little link of 2.810 meters
the Point A to 200 meters have a towers of power lines Big towers, and the zone fresnel is no perfect.
in point A have a 26 dBm AP, with 24 dBi grid antenna
in point B have a 17.5 dBi CPE with 24 dBi antenna
with horizontal or vertical have the same RSSI the same dBm in both points A and B
but, in horizontal, the perfomance speed is 2mbps, with vertical go up to 3.5 mbps
remember the tower of power lines in 250 meters of point A, this tower is vertical, this is the problem when use horizontal polarization and have low performance, because the waves go more directly to the towers.
for you have a idea.