is this still true today ? about the only ports being used for nat are 32767 ?
This topic gives rise to too many misunderstandings.
例如,如果您有2 A和B和设备Gateway G:
and both try to contact website W "" obviously must be NATted, or the Privat IP can't reach the site.
When A (or B) try to connect W, do not use own 443 port, but a "like random" port from 32768 and 65534 (both numbers included), but obviously the destination port is 443.
G do the NAT on both connection
A:54859->W:443 to G:54859->W:443
B:45784->W:443 to G:45784->W:443
And when W reply, G correctly identify the connection if the reply packet is for A or for B.
If for same reason A & B try to use same random port (CAN HAPPEN), G NAT use another free port for that, still on range 32768 and 65534 (both numbers included)
A:54859->W:443 to G:54859->W:443
B:54859->W:443 to G:62154->W:443
On this way, when W reply, is still possible for G to identify the connection if the reply packet is for A or for B.
So, by default, if not set otherwise, the ports used by the NAT are 32767 for each protocol where you can specify ports, such as TCP and UDP.
RouterOS (at the tests of the time, but I don't think anything has changed) if it runs out of ports, it automatically doesn't use the other lower ones.
Instead, as far as the topic of the thread is concerned,
approximately 23,000 connections can be tracked for every 32MB of memory.
As already specified, we mean ALL the connections that are traced, THEN even those that are NOT NATted.
the limit of NATted connections depends on memory.
But even if one had 1GB of memory, the NAT limit is not 32767 entries,
but 32767 entries multiplied by each public IP used, multiplied by each protocol used, multiplied for each different website...
For example, if one has 1 IPs, the NAT limit is 32767 connections per protocol,
for each single combination of REMOTE IP and PORT...
So if you have 32768 users that
at the same timetry to connect to, only 32767 work,
the 32768th user only can not connect, but can connect any other site of the world.
(to be precise, since more TCP requests are opened to download web fonts, scripts, images, etc., the maximum number, at the same time, is actually much smaller)
Many sites use CDNs, so it's actually very rare that all users have the same IP address for,
so this problem, for the most visited sites, is very rare, if not impossible, to happen.
In short: the only limit is the device's memory, ~23,000 total connections for every 32MB of memory.
EDIT: Thanks to
@chechito: The MAX limit is hardcoded to 1048576, and is needed at least 512MB