An oid to reboot, but not oids for reset or shutdown as they would be unnecessary and potentially harmful.We are working on a completely new SNMP for RouterOS and we are going to also support SNMP write. Could you please write what you wish to see in RouterOS SNMP support, and what network management programs you now use that have SNMP write support.
i use this oid to get the fw version (2.9 only): . SNMP wishes...
read access:
* MT version. There is no excuse for not having that now. I have a database to keep track of my MTs, and use SNMP to keep some of the fields updated. We do this with lots of other hardware. I don't have a way to easily determine the version in the MT.
NICE! Thanks a bunch for that oid!
i use this oid to get the fw version (2.9 only): .
the docs are incomplete about the oids
just do a snmpwalk and you get quite an interesting list
[admin@bht] > /system license print software-id: "xxxxxxx" upgradable-until: sep/01/2006 nlevel: 3 features: [admin@bht] > /system license print oid software-id: . upgradable-until: . level: . mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin # snmpwalk -v1 -c public . SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = Hex-STRING: 07 D6 09 01 00 00 00 00
Hi,while I'm on the topic, how can the "upgradable-till" oid be converted from hex to text. I am basically looking for a human readable text date with year/month/day or similar.
Code:Select all[admin@bht] > /system license print software-id: "xxxxxxx" upgradable-until: sep/01/2006 nlevel: 3 features: [admin@bht] > /system license print oid software-id: . upgradable-until: . level: . mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin # snmpwalk -v1 -c public . SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = Hex-STRING: 07 D6 09 01 00 00 00 00
# more #!/bin/bash MYCMD="mysql -B -N -h -u xxxxxxxx -s -pxxxxxx -e " for IP in `$MYCMD " use mt; select ip from router;"` ; do VER=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $IP . |cut -d" " -f1|sed -e "s/\"//g"` NAME=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $IP SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 |cut -d: -f4` $MYCMD "use mt; update router set version='$VER' where IP='$IP'" $MYCMD "use mt; update router set hostname='$NAME' where ip='$IP'" done
mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin # cat getle #!/bin/bash HEXDATE=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $1 .` CDHEXDATE=`echo 0x$HEXDATE |sed -e "s/\"//g" |sed -e "s/ //g"` echo $HEXDATE echo 0123456789 echo $CDHEXDATE YEAR=`echo $CDHEXDATE|cut -b0-6` echo YEAR printf "%d\n" $YEAR MONTH=`echo $CDHEXDATE|cut -b7-8` echo MONTH printf "%d\n" $MONTH DAY=`echo $CDHEXDATE|cut -b9-10` echo DAY printf "%d\n" $DAY mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin # ./getle "07 D6 09 01 00 00 00 00 " 0123456789 0x07D6090100000000 YEAR 2006 MONTH ./getle: line 14: printf: 09: invalid number 0 DAY 1 mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin #
maybe something like this?Now, I can have my database automatically update the version and hostname of my Mikrotiks! I run this script with cron each day. I use the database both as a glorified inventory spreadsheet, and to feed other scripts such as one that makes mrtg config files.
出于某些原因,我不能让bash打印我的th properly. I could use the perl example, but I'm almost there and don't want to need two scripting languages to convert a hex date to decimal.Code:Select all# more #!/bin/bash MYCMD="mysql -B -N -h -u xxxxxxxx -s -pxxxxxx -e " for IP in `$MYCMD " use mt; select ip from router;"` ; do VER=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $IP . |cut -d" " -f1|sed -e "s/\"//g"` NAME=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $IP SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 |cut -d: -f4` $MYCMD "use mt; update router set version='$VER' where IP='$IP'" $MYCMD "use mt; update router set hostname='$NAME' where ip='$IP'" done
Code:Select allmocha:/usr/local/mis/bin # cat getle #!/bin/bash HEXDATE=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $1 .` CDHEXDATE=`echo 0x$HEXDATE |sed -e "s/\"//g" |sed -e "s/ //g"` echo $HEXDATE echo 0123456789 echo $CDHEXDATE YEAR=`echo $CDHEXDATE|cut -b0-6` echo YEAR printf "%d\n" $YEAR MONTH=`echo $CDHEXDATE|cut -b7-8` echo MONTH printf "%d\n" $MONTH DAY=`echo $CDHEXDATE|cut -b9-10` echo DAY printf "%d\n" $DAY mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin # ./getle "07 D6 09 01 00 00 00 00 " 0123456789 0x07D6090100000000 YEAR 2006 MONTH ./getle: line 14: printf: 09: invalid number 0 DAY 1 mocha:/usr/local/mis/bin #
#!/bin/sh OUT=`snmpget -r2 -v1 -c public -Ovq $1 . |sed 's!\"!!g'` YEAR=`echo $OUT |awk '{printf "%d", strtonum("0x" $1 $2)}'` MONTH=`echo $OUT |awk '{printf "%d", strtonum("0x" $3)}'` DAY=`echo $OUT |awk '{printf "%d", strtonum("0x" $4)}'`
1. Netwatch (tools->netwatch). It should´t be a trap, but simple OIDs for every Netwatch Host and his Status and Since.Can you be more specific on you SNMP requests? What traps would you like to see? What is THE SNMP feature that you miss the most now?
COOL!This is a really cool thing I need in RouterOS!actually we are also preparing an open API for configuration of the router, so you can develop your own applications that connect to the router and configure/control it. this is not connected to SNMP but i guess you will also like that
You can use a radius server for administrator authentication, quite easily. Linking device administration access to an employee database can automate the whole process, without the need to alter individual device configs (via SNMP, or otherwise).add or delete user and change their permissions.
We have tech support that come and go. They take a look from the tower at the client which is very helpful. Big pain to go do this to every access point we have manually.
Re: [Ticket#2006071416000037] SNMP interface speed
Hello Brian,
To view available OIDs,
you can type e.g. 'queue simple print oid'.
Follow this topic about SNMP,
"Brian Higgins" wrote:
> is there any way to set the interface speed that is reported via SNMP?
> our monitoring system reads the reported speed and bases it's graphing
> off of what it reads. we have a vlan that is pushing about 8mpbs (SNMP
> says the interface speed is 10mbps), and we get constant alerts about
> the utilization because it's over 80% of the reported speed. we also
> have similar issues with our APs because they are reported as 11mbps,
> but they are 802.11a radios running at 24mbps.
> if this is not yet possible, can you please add this ability into 2.10
> (or sooner??)
> For Ethernet interfaces that are hooked into other connections such as
> a DSL modem this would be nice as well so we can specify that the
> interface speed is actually 3.0mbps even though it is a 100mbps
> Ethernet port.
I would like to simply set the interface speed in my monitoring application, but that is not an option, it's not an option in many monitoring applications. I am also emailing the vendor of my monitoring system(IPSwitch What Up Professional 2006) for the ability to change it in there.
I am asking you to change it as well, as ROS is reporting things incorrectly (see my comments about my wireless links) so when you go to fix that, I would just like to see the following option added to any available interface ex. snmpinterfacespeed=######## then when any SNMP probe reads the standard OID, it reports the value specified by snmpinterfacespeed. Then when I probe my wlan interfaces, they do not show up as 11mbps, regardless of what radio and config I have, or when I have a interface connected to a wireless bridge (like an orthogon link) I can change the interface speed to reflect the speed of the link in the middle, not the speed of the ethernet port that it's connecting to...
-----Original Message-----
From: MikroTik Support [Sergejs] []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:47 AM
To: Brian Higgins
Subject: Re: [Ticket#2006071416000037] SNMP interface speed
Hello Brian,
Probably you can set appropriate configuration in external monitoring server, that will show desired values, e.g. traffic below 8 Mbps.
It's possible to set name to each monitored value (interface, queue simple, queue tree etc.), where you can set 'VLAN1 8mbps limit', that will indicate it's VLAN1 interface with '8 mbps' limit.
I'll 2nd that request (usefull for seeing if you have connection issues causing users to drop off durring storms or something, as well as tracking IP allocations)I wouldn't mind an OID for # of ppp users connected.
It would be nice to have OID´s for noise floor, Signal to noise and Tx/Rx CCQ.
For me, at first read access to some numbers:We are working on a completely new SNMP for RouterOS and we are going to also support SNMP write. Could you please write what you wish to see in RouterOS SNMP support, and what network management programs you now use that have SNMP write support.