On full version can be used on "return":
example code
$yyyy current year full number ex. 2022 $MM current month number with 0 ex. 01,02,03...10,11,12 $M current month number without 0 ex. 1,2,3...10,11,12 $MMM current short mont name UPPERCASE JAN,FEB...NOV,DIC $Mmm current short mont name Propercase Jan,Feb...Nov,Dic (not standard) $mmm current short mont name lowercase jan,feb...nov,dic (not standard) $MD it indicates how many days a month is made up of $dd current day number with 0 ex. 01,02,03...29,30,31 $d current day number without 0 ex. 1,2,3...29,30,31 $YD current day number of the year 1...365/366 $WWW current short day of week name UPPERCASE THU,FRI,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WED $Www current short day of week name Propercase Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed (not standard) $www current short day of week name lowercase thu,fri,sat,sun,mon,tue,wed (not standard) $WD current day of week number from 1 (mon) to 7 (sun) $HH current hour number 24h format with 0 ex. 00,01,02...21,22,23 $H current hour number 24h format without 0 ex. 0,1,2...21,22,23 $hh current hour number 12h format with 0 ex. 01,02,03...10,11,12 $h current hour number 12h format without 0 ex. 1,2,3...10,11,12 $aa current AM / PM symbol for 12h format ex. AM or PM $a current first letter only of AM / PM symbol for 12h format ex. A or P $mm current minute number with 0 ex. 00,01,02...57,58,59 $m current minute number without 0 ex. 0,1,2...57,58,59 $ss current second number with 0 ex. 00,01,02...57,58,59(,60?) $s current second number without 0 ex. 0,1,2...57,58,59(,60?) $Z current Time Zone offset ex. -23:59...+00:00...+23:59 $Leap if the current year is leap year (Leap) or not (No-Leap) $Unix Epoch Unix Time If desired, Lcase, Pcase and Ucase arrays can be localized, but only keeping English letters, uppercase or lowercase, from A to Z.