This is an question already posted here, by Wyoming, and not aswered yet.
I use Mik 2.9.11 and I have the same problem.
... We use Simple queues to traffic shape all our customers. This all has been working fine except for one customer we just found. We set up rules for each customer and then for all our equipment. Then at the end of the queues we set up a catch all queue to catch any other traffic so that our customer can't pick a different unshaped IP in the block and get more speed.
The problem that I am seeing now is that the customers traffic is now hitting the queue for their traffic and then hitting the catch all queue. We have this same setup in 20 other Mikrotiks and they are all working fine.
Here are the queue rules.
8 name="PNDLWY0076 - - Day" dst-address=
interface=Local-Customer-Gateway queue=Ether-Day-Home priority=8 limit-at=0/0 max-limit=512000/512000
31 name="CatchAll" target-address= dst-address= interface=all queue=Ether-Day-Business priority=8
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=1536000/1536000
if I set the max-limit = 128000 for queue 31 then the customer hitting queue 8 drops to 128000.
As soon as I enter the reverse rule for traffec the Catchall queue clears up.
9 name="queue1" target-address= interface=WAN-To-Internet queue=Ether-Day-Home
priority=8 limit-at=0/0 max-limit=512000/512000
My understanding was that the first rule should catch all traffic and the exact opposite of that traffic. Can someone help me understand why this is not working here but it is working for all our other sites.
we are using 2.8.17 at this time. I may need to upgrade but I didn't see anything in the change log that indicated a problem with simple queues being fixed....
Thanks in Advance.