Hi, i'm work in a local WISP in Italy, and in all radio tower i have installed the previus version of APC Smart-UPS system with a normal serial DB9 to DB9 cable connected with RB450 or RB1100 routers, and i have allways used the ups packege without problem, pefrect monitoring the UPS status and sending allarm mail.
But i have a problem with a new version of APC Smart-UPS LCD model, this model doesn't have the normal DB9 toDB9 cable but have a DB9 to RJ50 cable !
If i connect the DB9 on the router, and set at the same old mode the ROS, i don't receive any data from UPS, the package don't found any UPS connected to the router!
I have used original DB9 to RJ50 cable in the UPS BOX, and after I tried to reverse the wires tx / rx in the RJ50 plug, but without result.
Any idea or any solution for this problem? I have any radio tower without monitorig !
Thanks for response..