I have a RB/1000, ROS4.x running for 2+ years not.
It is working just fine, but suddenly it was not reachable from external network.
The device is located behind a loadbalancer. To reach it it builds a pptp tunnel
to a central server. This worked for a long time. Since a few days it produces
errors in the syslog when trying to bring up the tunnel
hope this contains all information on the error.12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,info miktik: MT-1: initializing...
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,info miktik: MT-1: dialing...
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: sent Start-Control-Connection-Request to
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: protocol-version=0x0100
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: framing-capabilities=2
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: bearer-capabilities=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: maximum-channels=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: firmware-revision=1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: host-name=MT-1-mk
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: vendor-name=MikroTik
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: rcvd Start-Control-Connection-Reply from
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: protocol-version=0x0100
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: result-code=1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: error-code=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: framing-capabilities=2
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: bearer-capabilities=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: maximum-channels=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: firmware-revision=1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: host-name=MikroTik
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: vendor-name=MikroTik
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: sent Outgoing-Call-Request to
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: call-id=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: call-serial-number=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: minimum-bps=2400
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: maximum-bps=10000000
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: bearer-type=3
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: framing-type=2
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: packet-recv-window-size=100
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: packet-processing-delay=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: phone-number-length=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: phone-number=
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: subaddress=
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: rcvd Outgoing-Call-Reply from
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: call-id=49598
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: peers-call-id=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: result-code=1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: error-code=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: cause-code=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: connect-speed=100000
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: packet-recv-window-size=100
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: packet-processing-delay=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp、调试包miktik: physical-channel-id=0
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP lowerup
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent LCP ConfReq id=0x3e
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP open
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd LCP ConfReq id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent LCP ConfAck id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd LCP ConfAck id=0x3e
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP opened
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd CHAP Challenge id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent CHAP Response id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd CHAP Success id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: S=DDA72FF8B61ED1863570B832F21947B7C9A0FA05
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,info miktik: MT-1: authenticated
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: IPCP lowerup
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent IPCP ConfReq id=0xd4
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: IPCP open
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: BCP open
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: CCP lowerup
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: CCP open
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd IPCP ConfReq id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent IPCP ConfAck id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd CCP ConfReq id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent CCP ConfReq id=0xa6
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent CCP ConfRej id=0x1
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd IPCP ConfAck id=0xd4
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik:
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: IPCP opened
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,info miktik: MT-1: connected
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd CCP ConfAck id=0xa6
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd CCP ConfReq id=0x2
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent CCP ConfAck id=0x2
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: CCP opened
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: CCP close
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: CCP closed
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent CCP TermReq id=0xa7
12月8日13:27:30 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: No compression negotiated
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: rcvd LCP TermReq id=0x2
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: Encryption negotiation rejected
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP closed
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: CCP lowerdown
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: BCP lowerdown
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: BCP down event in starting state
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: IPCP lowerdown
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: IPCP closed
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug,packet miktik: MT-1: sent LCP TermAck id=0x2
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP lowerdown
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,info miktik: MT-1: terminating... - disconnected
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP lowerdown
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,debug miktik: MT-1: LCP down event in starting state
12月8日13:27:31 i59F7802A pptp,ppp,info miktik: MT-1: disconnected
There were no changes in the configuration, only if someone hacked it.
The pptp server is located on a RB532A/ROS3.3
I assume the problem on the RB1000, the profile is used by ~40 Mikrotiks and this
one is the only with encryption rejected.
Is there a way to open a connection to this board?
It is located about 6 driving hours from my position
I already tried to set up a second profile and tested all possibilities of encrption/compression settings, without success.
Any ideas ?