... nt_updater
I made some changes based on original author script:
*检查如果WAN接口IP和“6 to4隧道”的轨迹l Address are the same, if they are equal script don't update the tunnel info.
* Script only change the "6to4 Tunnel" Local Address if a valid string is returned from server.
* Now you can configure a scheduler with this script and don't flood the update server.
Script name (ie: update_ipv6_tunnel)
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# Update Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Client IPv4 address :local HEtunnelinterface "" :local HEtunnelid "" :local HEuserid "" :local HEmd5pass "" :local HEupdatehost "" :local HEupdatepath "/ipv4_end.php" :local WANinterface "WAN" :local outputfile ("HE-" . $HEtunnelid . ".txt") # Internal processing below... # ---------------------------------- :local HEipv4addr # Get WAN interface IP address :set HEipv4addr [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=$WANinterface] address] :set HEipv4addr [:pick [:tostr $HEipv4addr] 0 [:find [:tostr $HEipv4addr] "/"]] :if ([:len $HEipv4addr] = 0) do={ :log error ("Could not get IP for interface " . $WANinterface) :error ("Could not get IP for interface " . $WANinterface) } :local HEtunnelipv4addr # Get current TUNNEL interface IP address :set HEtunnelipv4addr [/interface 6to4 get $HEtunnelinterface local-address] :if ([:len $HEtunnelipv4addr] = 0) do={ :log error ("Could not get IP for interface " . $HEtunnelinterface) :error ("Could not get IP for interface " . $HEtunnelinterface) } :if ($HEipv4addr != $HEtunnelipv4addr) do={ :local htmlcontent :log info ("Updating IPv6 Tunnel " . $HEtunnelid . " Client IPv4 address to new IP " . $HEipv4addr . "...") /tool fetch mode=http \ host=($HEupdatehost) \ url=("http://" . $HEupdatehost . $HEupdatepath . \ "?ipv4b=" . $HEipv4addr . \ "&pass=" . $HEmd5pass . \ "&user_id=" . $HEuserid . \ "&tunnel_id=" . $HEtunnelid) \ dst-path=($outputfile) :set htmlcontent [/file get $outputfile contents] /file remove $outputfile :if ($htmlcontent = "+OK: Tunnel endpoint updated to: $HEipv4addr" || \ $htmlcontent = "-ERROR: This tunnel is already associated with this IP address. Please try and limit your updates to IP changes.") do={ :log info "OK Tunnel endpoint updated to $HEipv4addr. Updating 6to4 interface" /interface 6to4 { :if ([get ($HEtunnelinterface) local-address] != $HEipv4addr) do={ :log info ("Updating " . $HEtunnelinterface . " local-address with new IP " . $HEipv4addr . "...") set ($HEtunnelinterface) local-address=$HEipv4addr } } } else={ :log info "Update FAIL" :log info $htmlcontent } } else={ :log info ("This tunnel is already associated with current public IP address (" . $WANinterface . "). Address update is not necesary") }
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/system scheduler add disabled=no interval=30s name=Check_Tunnel_IP on-event=\ update_ipv6_tunnel start-time=startup