
PPP Rate Limits Working, Burtsting is Not

Posted:Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:35 pm
Hi All,

I've been running Routerboards and FreeRadius for PPPoE Internet access for some of our
members; we're a co-op WISP. All is working fine except I cannot get bursting to work.
It seems that no matter what I set the Mikrotik-Rate-Limit string to be, only the first (rate limit)
parameter will take effect.

I've tried various combinations of the parameters, quotes around the string, etc. Using RouterOS 4.11.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance ...

Re: PPP Rate Limits Working, Burtsting is Not

Posted:Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:00 am
What is your code?
Did you use user manager? Or simple Queue?
Give us any Info which can help.

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