After first boot, i removed default configuration and set everything as i wanted. Everythig was fine until i plug the uplink cable. I have a WAN port set to Eth2 (because Eth1 is from the side, but all cables going behind the cabinet, so its easier to use another port). The main problem is, the WAN port going UP and DOWN over and over. This is part of the log:
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18:24:34 interface,info 2_Uplink link down 18:24:35 interface,info 2_Uplink link up (speed 100M, full duplex) 18:24:36 interface,info 2_Uplink link down 18:24:37 interface,info 2_Uplink link up (speed 100M, full duplex) 18:24:38 interface,info 2_Uplink link down 18:24:42 interface,info 2_Uplink link up (speed 100M, full duplex) 18:24:44 interface,info 2_Uplink link down 18:24:45 interface,info 2_Uplink link up (speed 100M, full duplex) 18:24:48 interface,info 2_Uplink link down 18:24:52 interface,info 2_Uplink link up (speed 100M, full duplex) 18:24:57 interface,info 2_Uplink link down 18:24:59 interface,info 2_Uplink link up (speed 100M, full duplex)
LAN connects:
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Eth1 - nothing Eth2 - WAN Eth3 - Station (me) Eth4 - Station (Off) Eth5 - Station (Off) Eth6 - Station (ON) Eth7 - nothing Eth8 - WiFi router (temporary, until miniPCI card arrive, also Off during the test) Eth9 - NAS (Off) Ports 3,4,5,6 are in BRIDGE
So i start checking every configuration, because that was odd, and i found one possible cause of this problem in SWITCH setting.
Basicly, port which is on the same switch as WAN port failing, or the wan port failing.# NAME SWITCH VLAN-MODE VLAN-HEADER
0 1_Freeswitch1fallback leave-as-is
1 2_WANswitch2fallback leave-as-is
2 3_aaaswitch2fallback leave-as-is
3 4_bbbswitch2fallback leave-as-is
4 5_cccswitch2fallback leave-as-is
5 6_dddswitch1fallback leave-as-is
6 7_Freeswitch1fallback leave-as-is
7 8_WRouterswitch1fallback leave-as-is
8 9_NASswitch1fallback leave-as-is
9 switch1_cpuswitch1fallback leave-as-is
10 switch2_cpuswitch2fallback leave-as-is
I didn't find any way how to turn off the switch, because i don't need to use this (not now, maybe latter).
So can anyone please help me how to set things up to work properly? (I need keep the bridge set because of some FW/NAT rules.)
谢谢s a LOT for any usefull info
BTW: I can set a guest account, if needed.
//EDIT: CPU overload solved.