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Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:57 am


When I discovered that my RB450G was hardware limited to 1500 MTU, I almost felt off my chair:). I bought a gigabit router, and I was stuck to 1500 MTU on my whole LAN because of it...
When I discovered thatall MIPS routerboard were... waw. Actually only PPC routerboards don't have this incredible stone age limitation.

Why is there no Mikrotik communication on this? Is there a plan to make this evolve? These CPU limited nice pieces of hardware would take so much advantage of bigger packets (less packets to route! more throughput! Every device on network taking less time to (de)fragment, etc) I barelly see why it's not already supported on MIPS boards.

An official statement on this please?:)
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:17 pm


When I discovered that my RB450G was hardware limited to 1500 MTU, I almost felt off my chair:). I bought a gigabit router, and I was stuck to 1500 MTU on my whole LAN because of it...
When I discovered thatall MIPS routerboard were... waw. Actually only PPC routerboards don't have this incredible stone age limitation.

Why is there no Mikrotik communication on this? Is there a plan to make this evolve? These CPU limited nice pieces of hardware would take so much advantage of bigger packets (less packets to route! more throughput! Every device on network taking less time to (de)fragment, etc) I barelly see why it's not already supported on MIPS boards.

An official statement on this please?:)
I hate to tell you, but are you aware that the focus of Mikrotik is internet side routers and that at the end of the day on the internet you DO NOT USE JUMBO FRAMES?

雷竞技网站Mikrotik低成本和非常成本高效,但是there are some limitations - and this one seriously makes little difference. I run a 450G wonderfully in my central office (just 5 people, we are small) and have no problem using jumbo frames in the office.... because behind the Mikrotik there is a nice low cost switch that supports them. Towards the internet there simply is no sense to support anything larger, because you get fragmentation anyway on the next hop.
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:51 am



@Sanity: Because you don't use jumbo frame support on your routerboard means the world shouldn't? This feature is crucial, even you are using it too on your LAN... Moreover what you say doesn't make sense at all... Who would buy a 450G (1G) over a simple 450 (100Mb) only to share an internet connection?
And what is this poor "low-cost" reason? OMG, really? Have heard about "Progress" or something like that?

Thank you, that was a really helpful contribution, but sadly I'd rather expect an gentle answer of Mikrotik about chips in future lines of products.;)
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:20 pm



@Sanity: Because you don't use jumbo frame support on your routerboard means the world shouldn't? This feature is crucial, even you are using it too on your LAN... Moreover what you say doesn't make sense at all... Who would buy a 450G (1G) over a simple 450 (100Mb) only to share an internet connection?
And what is this poor "low-cost" reason? OMG, really? Have heard about "Progress" or something like that?

Thank you, that was a really helpful contribution, but sadly I'd rather expect an gentle answer of Mikrotik about chips in future lines of products.;)
Well, those who maybe want to have a not only 010mbit connection. There is a world outside between jumbo frames and 199mbit. You are aware (obviously not) that there are interent providers with more than 100 mbit? Where I live people have up to 120mbit from their internet provider, and in some places of asia 1gbit is not uncommon - ethernet in the appartement. if anything, the 450G has a too weak processor for that;)

Still no Jumbo support needed, as the internet has no jumbo frames. I even have more than 100mbit capacity in my data center front side and guess what - no jumbo frames there either. On the backend yes, but there I dont use Mikrotik.

Lol all you want - Mikrotik is not here for you, they make products for the masses and quite nicely so. I think Jumpbo frame support is not on their "needed" list - for a lower end CPE level device. I am happy with my 450G. I also am happy with my 750G that I carry around because it just allows me more than 100mbit when I occasionally need it (someone plugs a laptop in at a meeting and we transfer a large file or two).
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:41 pm

A few of their latest products seem to be soho.
For home networking gigabit networking + jumbo frames is relevant.

I am curios also about the reasons why MT routerboard have so different l2mtu.
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:51 am

Our newest product, the RB750GL has MTU 4074, so don't complain about lack of progress in MIPS-BE routers ...
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:00 am

If your going to go past 1550bytes why not do it right and go to 9k, 4k is pretty useless
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:06 am

we can only do what the chipsets allow. if you want higher, we need other chips, and the price will increase significantly.
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:50 am

Im happy to pay for Cavium;)
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:51 am

but that's why we have two product lines - RB1xxx has more speed and larger frames, RB7xx and RB4xx is lower end.
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:23 pm

Thank you for this answer, Normis.
You are following chips evolution, pretty simple...
If 750GL (cheaper router if there is) has 4k, let's hope for a future generalisation of this on every other mips-be boards.
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:19 pm

I also am happy with my 750G that I carry around because it just allows me more than 100mbit when I occasionally need it (someone plugs a laptop in at a meeting and we transfer a large file or two).
你已经浪费了80美元——便宜的2 port switch is patchcord or crossed cable (if nobody supports MDI-X) :-)
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:17 am

I also am happy with my 750G that I carry around because it just allows me more than 100mbit when I occasionally need it (someone plugs a laptop in at a meeting and we transfer a large file or two).
你已经浪费了80美元——便宜的2 port switch is patchcord or crossed cable (if nobody supports MDI-X):-)
Ah, no - the 750 implements hookup into corporate network, qos on the upward link and all the stuff;)My "mobile" setup is a full workstaiton, multiple monitors, hardware voip phone. I jsut happen to move between different installations every couple of months;)A simple switch would not cut it.
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Re: Jumbo Frames: MIPS RB hardware support?

Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:20 am

Our newest product, the RB750GL has MTU 4074, so don't complain about lack of progress in MIPS-BE routers ...
Will there be a similar version of the RB450G with bigger MTU?

And elgo: don't let Sanity bring you down, I know where you are coming from.

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