So here is whare I am now...
I have 3 T1 links bonded via EOPI / Bonding (round robin)..
This is what I see so far..
1) If any T1 link goes down, entire bonding group goes with it.
how ever it goes down, IE pulled cable or by disable.
2)如果羡慕e EOIP circuit fails, the link holds. Aggrigate bandwidth drops accordingly.
3) If any T1 link goes down and the EOIP tunnel goes with it then bonded link stays up. Aggrigate bandwidth drops accordingly.
The bonding protocol is resiliant in relationship to it's imediate underlying protocols only. (if the EOIP protocols drop, the link simply "offloads the traffic.")
EOIP毫无头绪如果底层IP路径失败。IE a down T1.
If EOIP could be informed of a failed pathway, and show itself as disabled or down (still monitoring the underlying pathway for return of service) then bonding via round robin / EOIP tunnels would truely provide aggrigation and redundancy.
1) 3 T1s bound together using EOIP / bondingrr.
1) All T1s up and running. EOIP running on all interfaces.
Aggrigated traffic. (IE: aprox 4.5Mb)
2) All T1s up and running EOIP running on only 2 interfaces.
Aggrigated traffic (IE: aprox. 3Mb)
3) 2T1s online, One down, EOIP running on all Ts
NO taraffic flow !! as bonding protocol fails over the down link.
1) Enable link state information to passed from the interface to EOIP.
IE a scripting mech or protocol to shut down the EOIP protocols (or mark them as down (while monitoring th underlying pathway for return of service)).
This would be especialy usefull on the SBE interface devices.
IE if the SBE interface went down or a cable failed or the telco choped the line again...( Qwest !!)
then the interface driver would inform all EOIP pipes that the underlying link is down and to go off line and monitor for return of service at which time EOIP would "come back online".
Another option would be the ability link status of an SBE card (or similar) to provide status to the OS. The status could then be monitored and action to control the EOIP tunnel could be monitored by script or similar action. Thus again providing a robust aggrigation solution with resiliancy.
Just my $1.00 worth (after all my hands hurt after that.. I want more than 2bits...)