Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:31 am
I added a tcp bandwidth test to my little test setup and left it running all night, which claims to have the CPU on both sides at 100%.
On the receiving side we have:
国旗:U -
0 U状态=地址= = ethe接口r1 protocols=bgp multihop=no
state-changes=1 uptime=4d3h26m50s desired-tx-interval=0.2sec
actual-tx-interval=0.2sec required-min-rx=0.2sec remote-min-rx=0.2sec
multiplier=5 hold-time=1sec packets-rx=2127635 packets-tx=2129848
and on the sending side we have:
国旗:U -
0 U state=up address= interface=ether1 protocols=bgp multihop=no
state-changes=2 uptime=4d3h26m51s desired-tx-interval=0.2sec
actual-tx-interval=0.2sec required-min-rx=0.2sec remote-min-rx=0.2sec
multiplier=5 hold-time=1sec packets-rx=2129856 packets-tx=2127645
I take this to indicate that the side initiating the bandwidth test seems to be sending BFD packets at a slightly larger interval than the other side.
Interestingly, based on the uptime and the 0.2 sec interval, there should only have been 1792060 bfd packets sent by now, instead of the 2129961 actually sent, hmm.... resulting in an actual interval of 168ms instead of 200ms.
Well, anyway, even with this test, the bfd/bgp session didn't drop, and the bandwidth test is averaging 76.4 mbits (over 100 mbit connection). Unfortunately, I don't have two idle x86 based routers to try this on, and perhaps the bandwidth tester isn't sufficent enough load to cause the problem to show up.
x86 ones with huge bgp tables are where I saw the problem before.
If you do a script which disables it, it would have to do it on both sides. Upping the interval and/or multiplier is probably easier.