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Web proxy probs?


Hi all
I've upgraded my MT-router to use 2.9RC5. Im my eyes it works fine but I have a few problems with the web proxy:

* I know that http-traffic is going through the transparent proxy since all pages that users look at show up in the log.

* I want to block access to a few pages via the proxy. That's done with
ip web-proxy access> print
0 url="" action=deny
1 url="ad.adtoma" action=deny
2 url="" action=deny
etc etc

This worked fine in 2.8, but not now. It's free to surf anywhere:)

* I can not get my queue tree to work as it should. Mangling the http packages works fine, the data is increasing while users surf, but no way I can get the queues to react on that.
ip firewall mangle> print
0 chain=input in-interface=Internet protocol=tcp src-port=80
action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=HTTP

queue tree> print
0 name="HTTP Surf" parent=global-in packet-mark="HTTP"
limit-at=2000000 queue=ethernet-default priority=4 max-limit=24000000
burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

and some other tree entries...

I would be happy if anyone had any idéas about my problems.
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:22 am

Really no-one that uses "URL" to block sites???

If I put a rule in the webproxy like "deny all", I get the Access denied page, but I can not use the URL field?

I just upgraded to RC6, but no difference regardning this issue.
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:49 pm

also i m facing problems in 2.9 rc6 in web-proxy
when i try to accesshttp://www.msn.comits shows me error 401 unathorized
all other sites working fine
number 2 slow profomace when i forward it to transparent proxy
number 3 error that ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved
when i try to access such this url ... IAQE&num=1
i hope anyone using 2.9 rc6 tells us if he have same problems in rc5 it was worest
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:35 pm

also i just noticed one more bug in web-proxy
it doesnt respond to my click on the link i need to click on it 3 or 4 times to responed (100% its not from the internet i have to pcs one throw the MT and one directly i can really see the problem i switched pcs cables its still the same)
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:56 pm

Hmm, your problems sounds quite weird I think. I tried the links in your post and they worked just fine here. I can also not see that links work "slower" when I forward the traffic through the transparent proxy. You havn't managed to run your own proxy-traffic through the "tarpit" filter that's new in v2.9? I happened to do so and things went reeealy slow.:roll:

So again, my only problems with the proxy is that it doesn't find the url.s I type in as filters, and the marked packages doesn't show up in the queue tree...the rest seems to work just fine.
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:19 pm

Really no-one that uses "URL" to block sites???

If I put a rule in the webproxy like "deny all", I get the Access denied page, but I can not use the URL field?

I just upgraded to RC6, but no difference regardning this issue.
Maybe the problem is that the field now requires the complete string rather than just a substring, and it is not a wildcard rather than regexp. see the manual for more info on that.
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:38 pm

hi rob,
mmm i m using hotspot and i forward the hotspot to my webproxy and the hotspot is transparent
when i disable the transpernt in the hotspot user profile and ues proxy in client pc it workkkkks great so i think its hotspot problem

btw whats is "tarpit" filter and how can i check it?
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Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:08 pm

Personally I don't use the hotspot.....and I really don't know exactly what that is anyway:wink:I suppose it's something wireless and my network is only wired...

The tarpit is something you can use to supress DoS (denial of service) attacs. It simply slows the connection down. It's a filter you can use in ip/firewall. Take a look at MT's demo2-router to see how they've done. I copied their example.

Maybe the problem is that the field now requires the complete string rather than just a substring, and it is not a wildcard rather than regexp. see the manual for more info on that.
Uhm? I've read the manual...the one I can find, which is
and I must say, I really don't get it!

some examples:

if I use the URL:
Now I can NOT access Perfect!

Now I can NOT access Perfect!

Now I still CAN access Why??

...blocks ad.s from ad.adtoma.

...does NOT block ad.s from ad.whatever

HELP PLEASE:cry:Some examples or an external manual would be very great! (btw. the choises of url.s above is just something I picked by random to have something to fiddle with)
Last edited byRobbanon Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:24 pm

Theese are the complete settings for my web-proxy access. I guess there must be something wrong with my URL-syntax. See my previous posting above.
Code:Select all
[admin@Hermes] ip web-proxy access> print Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 0 ;;; Deny using this proxy as telnet/smtp relay dst-port=23-25 action=deny 1 ;;; Deny access to some URL.s url="*ad\\.aftonbladet*" action=deny 2 url="*ad\\.adtoma*" action=deny 3 url="*snyggast\\.se*" action=deny 4 url="*ix\\.se*" action=deny 5 url="*lunarstorm*" action=deny 6 url="*snuttis*" action=deny 7 ;;; Allowed local users src-address= action=allow 8 ;;; Deny everything else action=deny [admin@Hermes] ip web-proxy access>
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Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:46 pm

OK, more info will be put there shortly (i was sure there have been more examples earlier... weird). for now comments on your config:
1. the URL is a wildcard by default, that is it only supports "*" for any number of any symbols, and "?" for any one symbol. it means that dots "." do not need escaping with "\"
2. wildcard is a match on the whole string, so you are correct by putting a "*" at the beginning and at the end of it
3. to match regular expression (which is not a complete string, but rather a substring), put ":" at the beginning of the value specified as URL
4. the "\\." contruction put in wildcard means "\\." in the url. the same expression put in regexp meand "\" appended by any symbol.
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Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:12 am

hi there
please any admin or offcial news from mikrotik regarding my error
as soon as possible please
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Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:22 am

OK, so to block any site I'm suppose to type something like this in the url-field:
If I got it right... Am I right or wrong?

but why on earth does
*snuttis*does NOT block

What am I doing wrong?? Or is it a......a.....bug??!!:shock: :wink:
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Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:23 pm

but why on earth does
*snuttis*does NOT block

What am I doing wrong?? Or is it a......a.....bug??!!:shock: :wink:
好了,为我们工作:)maybe a typo somewhere...
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Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:17 pm

好了,为我们工作Smile maybe a typo somewhere...
Well, I wish it was that easy...mabye it is???:?Here's a long post...hi hi

This is now the complete access list for my web-proxy:
Code:Select all
Terminal vt102 detected, using multiline input mode [admin@Hermes] > ip [admin@Hermes] ip> web [admin@Hermes] ip web-proxy> access [admin@Hermes] ip web-proxy access> print Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 0 ;;; Deny using this proxy as telnet/smtp relay dst-port=23-25 action=deny 1 ;;; Deny access to some URL.s url="**" action=deny 2 url="*ad.adtoma*" action=deny 3 url="**" action=deny 4 url="**" action=deny 5 url="*lunarstorm*" action=deny 6 url="*snuttis*" action=deny 7 url="**" action=deny 8 ;;; Allowed local users src-address= action=allow 9 ;;; Deny everything else action=deny [admin@Hermes] ip web-proxy access>
#0 - Not tested...
#1 - NOT working
#2 - Works!
#3 - Works!
#4 - Works!
#5 - Works!
#6 - NOT working
# 7,而不是工作(my own domain btw. Just for testing)
#8 - Works!
#9 - Works!

Conclusion: some URL.s are possible to detect in the web-proxy, some are not. I've tried to clear the web-proxy-cache and the browser's cache and reboot the MT. Neither helps.
There are no other rules under "cache" and "direct"

I tried to enter the snuttis' IP-adress as follows, that didn't work EITHER!!?
Code:Select all
6 dst-address= action=deny
also tried this, just in case
Code:Select all
6 src-address= action=deny
(However, I can drop the packages from that IP in the input chain "IP/firewall/filter". That makes the site unreachable, but it doesn't seem like the right way to deny access to an URL.)

Any tips were I shall look for typos. The rules are obviously runned through since some entries does work. If I change "trusted users" (i.e rule no.8 ) to something else, all access is denied through the proxy. And that rule is checked at the last.

This is starting to annoy me now, and I must therefore "fix" it so I can get some sleep at nights...:lol:
Could it mabye be some kind of update-issue? I updated the router from 2.8 to 2.9RC5 and then to 2.9RC6. Could something we can not see be corrupt somehow??
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Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:27 pm

I just made a backup file for my router.

我把它装进一个十六进制编辑器和找到了我gs for the proxy at the end of the file. It seems like the old settings (for v.2.8, that I no longer can access) is mixed up with the new settings (for v.2.9) and the strings looks quite corrupt.

My guess is that it is this that makes my proxy malfunction and that the solution is to reset all settings or re-install the whole router.

I'll drop a note here with the results when I've tried to solve the case this hard way, since it seems to work for all you other guys.8)
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Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:34 pm

Just a little update of this issue....if anyone is interested:roll:

After a complete reset of the router, the backup file looked more reasonable in the hex-editor. The web-proxy filtering worked better, but not good. Some url.s were still un-detected.

BUT!! The 2.9RC7 release seemed to help a lot of problems that I had with my proxy-settings! (I still don't think it was a bad idéa to reset the system and set up the rules from scratch. It feels good.)

Thank's! I'm happy again!:D
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Hotspot with transparent Web proxy (ip web-proxy access)

Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:37 pm

i m using hotspot and i forward the hotspot to my webproxy and the hotspot is transparent
when i disable the transpernt in the hotspot user profile and ues proxy in client pc it works great . How do I make it work transparently?

Thanks to all who are thinking to reply!!!!!!

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