Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:42 pm
You will need two taps. One for each chain.
You will need atleast one mediation device (collection server) (If the link between the sites is fast enough)
I would NOT count on this.
You will probably want a mediation device on each "string".. YOU MUST NOT LOOSE PACKETS !!
There are some updates to the CALEA package in the works related to out of band data as well as using TCP ( I seem to remember) rather that UDP for sending the stream to the mediation device.
I dont think you need two tapps for each string, as you can create multiple rules for packets going to and from the target device, You can create the tapps so that ANY source to the target or any destination from the target can be captured... so even with two upstream connections per network "string / pathway", it shuld not matter... it is the path from the target to the tap that is important. The Tapp must be able to "see" the packets (they must pass thru the tap device) and the tapp must be able to identify the traffic as belonging to the target device..