Hi, is it possible that sometimes HotSpot "slows down" web browsing to clients with no particular reason?
Long version of my question:
I have a RouterOS 3.9 on x86 HotSpot running with around 50 active users most of the time.
I've detected that users browse the web slower when going through the HotSpot... and sometimes it's VERY slow!
At first I thought it was something missconfigured, so here's what I tried to learn about this problem:
I configured from scratch a basic gateway: 1 ether to the Internet, 1 ether to my LAN, both with static IPs. Set default route, DNS, masquerading, DHCP Server on LAN.
填补客户端PC、DHCP客户端浏览,拔腿就跑a few speed tests, got a feel of available bandwidth...
Add hotspot (IP -> HotSpot -> HotSpot Setup, leave everything as default), add a user, no bandwidth limit.
Try to browse with client PC, log in to HotSpot... and now every site I browse loads slower, bandwidth tests run slower, and the "browsing experience" feels slower. And in some pages by slower I mean half bandwidth or less!
Hotspot never uses more than 2 or 3% of CPU, and has tons of free memory... yet, browsing through it is slow.
As I have a third available ether interface, I set up another subnet in it. Unplug client PC from HotSpot Interface, move it to this third Interface, get new DHCP Address and start to browse again... and it feels faster again!
If I add bandwidth control (simple queue, say at 512Kbps), I can still feel the difference.
Am I doing something wrong?
Has anyone else detected this issue?