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Mesh setup and MME, whats the point?

Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:38 am

好的。我工作在一个网格设置。小的规模。两个gateways out, few aps, some clients only. However this can all be accomplished using bridges running rstp and using wds with the wds dynamic mesh. I experimented with setting up a test mock up using MME, however I had to setup the mesh exactly like I did before, before I could get the MME to create the tunnel. So my question is, am I totally missing the boat on MME? If you have to setup the mesh the same without out MME then what good does it do? Why not just use the WDS setup? Or is MME supposed to enhance the WDS setup? Would like to talk to more people on the MME and mesh with MT.
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Re: Mesh setup and MME, whats the point?

Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:04 pm

I also read an article some time ago where it stated that mesh setups significantly reduce throughput for clients. Is that true? I can understand a marginal decrease in performance but, according to the article, depending on the number of nodes in the mesh, can reduce performance to as much as 10% of a sigle AP-Client link.
Any truth to that?
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Re: Mesh setup and MME, whats the point?

Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:08 pm

Hello just one question!
The MME use only the WDS mode or I can use MME whit adhoc mode?

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Re: Mesh setup and MME, whats the point?

Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:07 pm

If you have two gateways into your mesh WDS won't know which one is reached in the fewest hops or has better link quality, which is what MME is designed to do.

You will need to build the mesh as before but hopefully MME will route packets around it more efficiently.

My question is whether an unrouted, bridged mesh where each node has multiple peers will see a big improvement with MME and how to test and measure any improvement.

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