星期五2月04 2005 32点
I can NOT speak for MikroTik or Sangoma, but,,,
I spoke with the Engineers at Sangoma today and here is the short story.
Source code is available for the T1 cards. (Sangoma wrote them so it can be released at their descression.) (I think it has been made available.)
I think that support for the NON DSL cards could be made available.
The issue of ADSL, is that the chip MFGs provide an engineering platform to the OEM MFGs (IE US-Robotics, Sangoma Etc.) this platform consists of electrical platforms, chip pin outs etc. (The internal Register / internal workings of the chips are usualy NOT provided) The MFG will also provide a compiled suite of drivers / APIs for the OEM to use. These drivers have only some of their funtionality exposed via API interfaces.
The expectation of the chip mfg. is that the OEM will tweek some of the drivers behavior via software "wrappers" and provide the end user with a product that appears as their own.
Sangoma is using a device originaly made by GlobalSpan. this company was sold to Conexant. The device now belongs to them as well as all of the driver technology.
Salgoma had to sign a VERY STRICT non disclosure to obtain the development platform. They DO NOT have the original source code.
They CAN NOT release the source code they have.
I guess what I am saying is dont blame Mikrotik for not having ADSL drivers yet.. Blame the chip MFGs for not providing the information needed to build the device support.
I too am bummed that ADSL is not yet available.. but I will strive to help find a device we can use...