Why even recommend OpenVPN in this particular case?
Just because the question is "to set up vyprvpn, to bypass internet censorship in iran? ".
vyprvpnsupports OpenVPN as client connect software.
https://support.vyprvpn.com/hc/en-us/se ... or-Routers
And PPTP is not considered very safe, compared to OpenVPN.
The OpenVPN certificate for VYprVPN is in the already referred to DD-WRT documentation:
https://support.vyprvpn.com/hc/en-us/ar ... for-DD-WRT
Anyway if you want to setup a VPN to get connection outside a restricted area, you might need to set it up from somewhere else, as the supporting and download websites are blocked without bypassing VPN.
If you travel to such a country, then eg NordVPN has made all the steps needed to make it work, with some special masquerading and connection concealing steps. But set it up before you travel there. Learn how to use the NordVPN obfuscated servers. Just using some regular VPN service or setting up your own normally does not work !
https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-pr ... dvpn-china
Mikrotik -NordVPN is documented here:
https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivit ... ordVPN.htm
I have the impression, only impression, that the documented MT connections to NordVPN and VYprVPN are IKE v2 and PPTP only because OpenVPN was not available in ROS v6.