Now I know that the RB2011UiAS is a pretty low end device CPU wise with just a single core MIP 74kc CPU running at 600MHz. But it's cheap and functional so a small set-up such as the charity I'm installing it at is okay (and I didn't charge them for installation). Just got to run three computers and public throttled Wi-Fi connected to FTTC @ 70Mbps.
But I've just configured it at home connected to my 250Mbps Virgin Media connection. All Gbps wired. But when I did the ubiquitous speed test, it was struggling to get >160Mbps. Weird I thought because I've got an identical unit at different site that can easily handle the 400MBps wired connection.
Turns out that I was messing about with the touchscreen controls - I've usually left them on defaults. But I'd changed the default to display the stats of the WAN link. That must take a lot of CPU because that's why the speed test was slow. Turn the display off and voila back to full speed.
You live and learn.