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Is simple queue for /24 subnet "fair" to multiple users by default?

Wed Dec 08, 2021 4:07 am

我有一个配置,the router is doing guest WiFi and Office WiFi.
It is CAPsMAN, but that doesn't matter.
The guest wifi and office wifi are different subnets.

I have a simple queue targetting the guest WiFI's subnet/24 with just a max-limit=12M/60M

This appears to work fine for what I want.

What I am wondering though is whether this is 'fair' to multiple guest users or not? Or would a single guest user who tried to do a large long-running download take up all of the 60M and a second or third user would have all or most of their packets dropped?

Here is the relevant parts of the configuration:
Code:Select all
/caps-man datapath add bridge=Guest_wifi client-to-client-forwarding=no local-forwarding=no name="Guest WiFi" /caps-man datapath add bridge=Office_wifi name="Office WiFi" /caps-man security add authentication-types=wpa2-psk encryption=aes-ccm name=Office passphrase=secretwificode /caps-man security add name="Guest WiFi" /caps-man configuration add country="united kingdom" datapath="Guest WiFi" installation=indoor mode=ap name="Guest WiFI" security="Guest WiFi" ssid=Guest /caps-man configuration add country="united kingdom" datapath="Office WiFi" installation=indoor mode=ap name="Office WiFi" security=Office ssid=Office /caps-man provisioning add action=create-dynamic-enabled master-configuration="Office WiFi" name-format=identity slave-configurations="Guest WiFI" /ip pool add name=public_wifi ranges= /ip pool add name=Office_wifi ranges= /ip dhcp-server add address-pool=public_wifi disabled=no interface=Guest_wifi name="Guest WiFi" /ip dhcp-server add address-pool=Office_wifi disabled=no interface=Office_wifi name="Office WiFi" /queue simple add max-limit=12M/60M name="Guest WiFi limit" target=
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Re: Is simple queue for /24 subnet "fair" to multiple users by default?

Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:11 am

Note that by not specifying a queue type, the queue was set as a pfifo queue of 10 packets.
Could that cause what I was describing?
I am just exploring reasons why throughput was intermittently very bad (~0.9mbps).
I could be the queue, or it could have been radio interference.

I have now changed the queue type to wireless-default (sfq)
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Re: Is simple queue for /24 subnet "fair" to multiple users by default?

Fri Dec 10, 2021 2:23 am

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Re: Is simple queue for /24 subnet "fair" to multiple users by default?

Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:04 am

Definitely with the Fifo queue type it will not be fair and a single user can hog it all. One thing you want to change on the fifo queue is the packets from 10 to something much higher. 100+. As for SFQ I'm not too sure, I've never used them. But one thing I know you can do to queue a whole subnet fairly is to use a pcq queue tree as described here in a mum: ... kx8EDhDq_F

ROS v7 also introduces new queue types like CAKE which i hear good things about. Also not sure how that one works though.

you might want to check the cpu usage of your router and see if something is maybe hogging the cpu and that's why your throughput goes to less than 1mb.

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