The config is fine - its obviously being set by ntp - but the curious point the other poster was making is that the boot time is always the same to ~2 days ago, all your 'reboot without proper shutdown messages' default back to oct 01 23:57:49 - is this when you upgraded/installed 7.1rc4? Sounds like some kind of memory leak and nothing is really saving on the underlying system so resets back to that point like it was refresh.Bildschirmfoto_2021-10-03_11-59-20.png
So that looks fine at least, right?
That was exactly the point I was making with my earlier remark.In your case it seems that the saved time isnever (re)setbecause the router hard crashed.
[holvoetn@mAPLite91] > log print 16:21:10 system,info router rebooted 16:21:13 interface,info wireguard link up 16:21:15 script,warning NETWATCH - WG Down 16:21:15 system,info led trigger changed 16:21:16 wireless,info 2C:C8:1B:47:0B:3D@wlan1 established connection on 2452000, SSID HomeLab 16:21:17 dhcp,info dhcp-client on wlan1 got IP address 16:21:23 system,critical,info ntp change time Oct/03/2021 14:21:23 => Oct/03/2021 14:21:41 16:21:55 system,info,account user holvoetn logged in from via winbox 16:22:00 system,info led trigger changed 16:22:00 script,info NETWATCH - WG Up 16:22:22 system,info,account user holvoetn logged in from via telnet [holvoetn@mAPLite91] >
/系统reset-configurationI'm starting to think that the container package is to blame. I had it installed on my hAP-ac2, it was rebooting all the time, but, seems that just removing does not fix it, just a full config reset.
I'll test my theory on my RB5009 that is not in "production" yet
on the hAPac2 in the end I had to do a netinstall, because it was crashing too much, but there is another issue with the hapac2 that is l2MTU, that also make it crash, so, I had 2 issues that were locking up the device./系统reset-configurationI'm starting to think that the container package is to blame. I had it installed on my hAP-ac2, it was rebooting all the time, but, seems that just removing does not fix it, just a full config reset.
I'll test my theory on my RB5009 that is not in "production" yet
worked for you?
I understand where you are going with your thinking but it is not logical.When reboot it will always sync just as when it crashes. The difference is that on a reboot the time is not that far apart, this because of when you reboot the time is written.
On a hard crash the current time is not written and is much more in the past. I assume Mirotik left this kind of 'canary' in there to detect normal reboots or crashes.
Big difference, crash an small difference, a manual reboot/triggered reboot.
Same as in crashing/rebooting every 3h45m or same as in "starts dying after 6-18 hours"?I got same issue. Rb5009 v7.1rc4
MikroTik 7.1rc4 (testing) MikroTik Login: :00000050 RouterBOOT booter 7.1rc4 RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD CPU frequ.. loading kernel... OK setting up elf image... OK jumping to kernel code
我最终rma Mikrotik……雷竞技网站请注意,the company I purchased it from had no stock (RB5009) and now waiting for a new one... moved to a CHR on Hyper-V as a stop-gap and has been stable since... So, it might be hardware..."router was rebooted without proper shutdown"