Getting ERROR: CODE 5 (and it loops)
Why are there errors not documentet?? Been unable to google it.
WASTED an hour testing with max-block-size=mtu-32 on the MIkrotik (1468), also tried 1024,
Its not file not found; its not permission denied.
NOTHING mentioned on wiki or documentaton pages about error codes.
EDIT: Problem only occurs using Microsoft's built-in TFTP command.
Works with another Mikrotik.
Another EDIT and more testing: Also tried lasted long-term ROS; Tried file size=200 bytes; with/without read-only. With/without roll-over allowed.07:48:47 tftp,packet error: 5
07:48:47 tftp,error ERROR: code 5
07:48:47 tftp,error ERROR: code 5
07:48:47 tftp,debug closing connection to
07:48:48 tftp,packet recieved type: 1 size: 17
07:48:48 tftp,packet read filename: test.rsc binary: 1
07:48:48 tftp,debug tftpd incoming connection from on
07:48:48 tftp,debug requested file(binary): test.rsc access: allowed
07:48:48 tftp、调试10.20.0.1:33463打开
07:48:48 tftp,packet sending type: 3 seq: 1 size: 200
07:48:48 tftp,packet recieved type: 5 size: 34
07:48:48 tftp,packet error: 5
07:48:48 tftp,error ERROR: code 5
07:48:48 tftp,error ERROR: code 5
07:48:48 tftp,debug closing connection to
07:48:50 tftp,packet recieved type: 1 size: 17
07:48:50 tftp,packet read filename: test.rsc binary: 1
07:48:50 tftp,debug tftpd incoming connection from on
07:48:50 tftp,debug requested file(binary): test.rsc access: allowed
07:48:50 tftp,debug opened
07:48:50 tftp,packet sending type: 3 seq: 1 size: 200
07:48:50 tftp,packet recieved type: 5 size: 34
07:48:50 tftp,packet error: 5
07:48:50 tftp,error ERROR: code 5
07:48:50 tftp,error ERROR: code 5
07:48:50 tftp,debug closing connection to
Just seems it will not work with the command-line version of TFTP (from Windows server 2012r2 + Windows 10-2004)