
Big difference between nstreme and wlan.

Posted:Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:09 pm

I'm using nstreme2 for a PtP link to one of our AP locations. And I'm observing something that would problably have an explanation for someone who knows the internals of nstreme technology.

我有wlan1和wlan2 part of nstreme-dual. And I'm taking graphs from wlan and nstreme interfaces. And it is worring to see how traffic on wlan (only one of them) is sometimes 3 times higher than the nstreme traffic. Attached are the graphs.

On wlan1 the graph was close to 30Mbps just before the reboot while in nstreme1 aprox. 10Mbps. On wlan2 used for inbound traffic values are very close to nstreme1.

Does anyone knows what can cause that?

Software version was 2.9.38 just in case it could be related to this version.

Re: Big difference between nstreme and wlan.

Posted:Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:19 pm
I would like to know what was causing that extra traffic on wlan1. But disabling and enabling nstreme1 interface on both ends of the link solved the problem.

Now outbound traffic on nstreme1 and wlan1 are very similar and the link quality is as it used to be.
