I've got a routerboard which has mysteriously been not responding to SNMP Requests.
在这种情况下,路由器接收输入完全不同rent interface than it sends output. Doing a packet sniff shows that in the case of SNMP requests, it sends the replies back on the same interface that the request arrived on, instead of using the path specified in the routing table.
In other words, the router has ether1, and ether2, and receives on ether1 and needs to send on ether2, but when it receives an SNMP request on ether1, it sends the response back on ether1, or at least this is what the packet sniffer claims. As a result, The Dude, and other snmp monitoring software thinks the router is not responding to SNMP.
The router in question is currently version 2.9.42.
It occurs to me that this may also be the cause of some SNMP issues I reported some months ago, where SNMP would mysteriously stop responding.