[admin@MikroTik] > :global x [admin@MikroTik] > env pr x=[:nothing] [admin@MikroTik] > :set x [/tool snmp-get address= oid=] OID TYPE VALUE octet-string 6.42.6 (stable) [admin@MikroTik] > env pr x=[]
:local cpuload ([/system resource get cpu-load])
/file remove [find where name="testgetsnmp.txt"] { :local jobid [:execute file=testgetsnmp.txt \ script="/tool snmp-get tries=3 try-timeout=3s address= port=161 version=2c \ community=public oid="] :put "Waiting the end of process for file testgetsnmp.txt to be ready, max 20 seconds..." :global Gltesec 0 :while (([:len [/sys script job find where .id=$jobid]] = 1) && ($Gltesec < 20)) do={ :set Gltesec ($Gltesec + 1) :delay 1s :put "waiting... $Gltesec" } :put "Done. Elapsed Seconds: $Gltesec\r\n" :if ([:len [/file find where name="testgetsnmp.txt"]] = 1) do={ :local filecontent [/file get [/file find where name="testgetsnmp.txt"] contents] :if ([:len $filecontent] = 83) do={:put "No result"; :return ""} :local oidstart ([:find $filecontent "\r\n" -1] + 2) :local oidend [:find $filecontent " " $oidstart] :local typestart ($oidstart + [:find $filecontent "TYPE" -1]) :local typeend [:find $filecontent " " $typestart] :local valuestart ($oidstart + [:find $filecontent "VALUE" -1]) :local valueend [:find $filecontent " " $valuestart] :local getoid [:pick $filecontent $oidstart $oidend] :local gettype [:pick $filecontent $typestart $typeend] :local getvalue [:pick $filecontent $valuestart $valueend] :put "The >$getoid< return >$gettype< value >$getvalue<" } else={ :put "File not created." } }
:global myRemoteSnmpValue [/tool/snmp-get oid=1.1 ... as-value]
FWIW the "as-value" with /tool/snmp-get is available in v7.8:viewtopic.php?t=168638#p996470search tag # rextended read snmp put value on variable
Just ask...