Anyways, a few months ago I was getting complaints that the internet was slow. Checked a few things, replaced some APs with newer stuff, and figured all was well. A month later, some of my APs got randomly bricked. No clue what happened, figured it was a power surge or something. Replaced and went on my way.
More complaints about slow speeds. I check it out and the data usage has gone crazy, 250gb within about 20 days. I figure that someone has breached the network and is torrenting. I seriously lock down the network, change all passwords, and setup an extensive firewall.
A few weeks go by and there's more complaints. I check the data usage, and now it's close to 550gb in a month. On the ethernet gateway, a constant 8-10mbps is being recorded on the TX. RX is around a constant 400kbps. The TX was so jammed that a speed test wouldn't even work on the upload portion. I checked all my APs to see how much data they're moving -- normal levels. Checked local machines, normal data moving. I then checked all the connected clients to see how much data they were using, again, all is normal. I then disconnected everything from the router besides the modem -- no change. I also manually booted connected IPs one by one while watching the TX. Finally, I used the "torch" option on the ethernet gateway and sorted by TX usage. Yeahhhh... tons of external connections. My network was being used as some sort of VPN, maybe?
I called the ISP to make sure this was real data being used and not some sort of malfunction or misinformation. He informed me that we were now close to 1tb of usage.
I reset the router to factory defaults with only the router connected to the modem. Immediately my TX "leak" reappeared. Frustrated, I ran to walmart and got some bs netgear router. Hooked that up, zero problems with random TX at high speeds. I setup a traffic meter on the new netgear box and within the past few hours, I haven't seen any weird traffic.
这是一幅从火炬屏幕。我想哈ve normally done a screen shot, but this was for texting to a buddy that's actually knows what he's doing (he was lost as well). The MikroTik is now sitting on my desk not connected to anything. Is there a way to see if this thing has been infected and by what?