Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:43 pm
ok, now it seems MT is working on the winbox platform again ince years without.... I have one other, very annoying item, I'd like to discuss and see if it is open for improvement.
I seem to remember in the 'early' days, when I changed anything in the 'connect to' list, or the 'access' list of a wireless interface the object (CPE) did not disconnect each time a change or edit was applied....
You just could change a name in the comment field for a unit in the accept list and apply while the unit itself just stayed connected to the AP radio.
Now this was in the days before NV2 and mimo technology....
But in fact it always irritated me that since then units disconnect for every little alteration we make in a list.
For instance, in access lists of AP's we mention an antenna (CPE) number, the clients name, type of antenna, signal of 1st connection (installation) and contract type. So in one eye stroke of the registration table of an AP we have all the most important data and inmediately available.
But to get a nice looking winbox overview we need to align the texts in columns and correct typo's, sometimes change contract, or client name, or type of antenna etc.
Since alterations are only visible in the registration table after the change is made in the access list and both are not visible at the same time to align all date properly you have to flap between windows all the time and each time make a new edit, apply it, go back to the reg. table, see if it is ligned out now, if not, go back to the access list, edit and apply again, etc. etc. etc.
Each time you apply the unit disconnects..... even if def. auth in the AP is enabled!
(Same in the 'connect to' list in the CPE. If an edit is applied to that list, even if def. auth is enable, the unit still disconnects)
Why would a CPE being forced to disconnect (and inmediately re-connects again) if only a text field in a comment label of a listing in the access list is changed?????
I'd remember for sure in the old days this was not the case...
Is this something that can be correct / improved in a new winbox version?