I have been running a voltage monitoring script with great success for a while now.
I am now trying to run this same script on the latest firmware (6.33.5) and it is not running at all.
Here is my script:
#set lowvoltalarm to desired alarm voltage in tenths of a volt. 125 = 12.5v
:global lowvoltalarm 200
:global highvoltalarm 280
:global highvolt
:global lowvolt
:global starttime
:global hivolttime
:global lovolttime
:global vh
:local thisbox [/system identity get name]
:global voltage [/system health get voltage]
:local thistime [/system clock get time]
:local thisdate [/system clock get date]
:local thishour [:pick $thistime 0 2]
:local emessage ($thisbox . " voltage is: " . [:pick $voltage 0 2] . "." . [:pick $voltage 2 3])
:if ([:len $lowvolt] < 1) do={:set lowvolt 999; :set highvolt 0}
# set your email address in the next line
:if ($voltage <= $lowvoltalarm) do={/tool e-mail send to="test@test.com" subject="$thisbox Voltage Statistics" body=$emessage}
:if ($voltage >= $highvoltalarm) do={/tool e-mail send to="test@test.com" subject="$thisbox Voltage Statistics" body=$emessage}
:if ($voltage > $highvolt) do={:set highvolt $voltage; :set hivolttime ($thistime . " " . $thisdate)}
:if ($voltage < $lowvolt) do={:set lowvolt $voltage; :set lovolttime ($thistime . " " . $thisdate)}
:if ([:len $vh] > 0) do={:set vh ([:toarray $voltage] + $vh)} else={:set vh [:toarray $voltage]}
:if ([:len $starttime] < 1) do={:set starttime ($thistime . " " . $thisdate)}
:if ($thishour = "23") do={:execute voltreport}
I run this every 30 minutes.
Could somone one please tell me why this now does not work on all versions higher than 6.30?