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map2n not very good wifi

Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:19 pm

I love CAPsMAN, but I wish it was clearer that the map2n is only single chain 2.4ghz, and won't give more than 44mbps throughput (65mbps link). I'm not mistaken am I? It doesn't work with "40mhz" (is this the same as 20mhz with an extension channel? which would require another chain.. or am I naive in my understanding? Anyway I set channel to 2412mhz and then Ce extension but still no difference). No matter what I do it will not give better than 44mbps throughput anyway, and always shows "65Mbps-20MHz/1S" in the registration table. The 1S means 1chain/1 channel in use, right? I don't think it can do 2S.

It's still a greatly useful product because it gives perfect roaming (no stale arp cling-on or having to connect to differnt ssid from client, that other multiple access point setups cause) and "good enough" performance for most, but Mikrotik need to hurry up with HAP AC or a Map5ac or something.

I presume the cap2n is the same in a different box?
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:28 am

wAP has 2 chain ... see >>.
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:45 am

actually, my other laptop with Intel wifi, does connect at 40Mhz, 135mbps, and is a lot better.
but the Broadcom in my Dell XPS 13 2015 doesn't.
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:38 pm

I managed to get the Broadcom a/b/g to connect at 40MHz as well now, and it works good.

Here are the settings (in the attached image) - I had already changed the first one, but didn't see the second option until later.
broadcom 40MHz.png
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:49 pm

has a very anemic radio, single chain, low tx power (10dbm at mcs 7) and bad rx sensitivity (-70dbm at mcs 7)

if you need a good dual chain 2.4ghz radio get the rb951Ui

23dbm tx power at mcs 7 (13dbm more than map)
-78dbm rx sensitivity at mcs 7 (8dbm better than map)

thats almost 3 times a better radio
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:57 pm

Thanks for the info.

2 chain means it will do 300mbps 802.11n ?

I may wait for HAP AC. I know the "lite" is available now, as an International version or something, but I can wait longer.
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:04 pm

Anemic radio to transmite and receive?
I i'am thinking on get 2 of this wAp to use as wifi receivers.
I was on SXT Lite 2 and wAP. Wich one you recomend?

has a very anemic radio, single chain, low tx power (10dbm at mcs 7) and bad rx sensitivity (-70dbm at mcs 7)

if you need a good dual chain 2.4ghz radio get the rb951Ui

23dbm tx power at mcs 7 (13dbm more than map)
-78dbm rx sensitivity at mcs 7 (8dbm better than map)

thats almost 3 times a better radio
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:23 pm

Anemic radio to transmite and receive?
I i'am thinking on get 2 of this wAp to use as wifi receivers.
I was on SXT Lite 2 and wAP. Wich one you recomend?

has a very anemic radio, single chain, low tx power (10dbm at mcs 7) and bad rx sensitivity (-70dbm at mcs 7)

if you need a good dual chain 2.4ghz radio get the rb951Ui

23dbm tx power at mcs 7 (13dbm more than map)
-78dbm rx sensitivity at mcs 7 (8dbm better than map)

thats almost 3 times a better radio
hard to say without knowing the specifics of the implementation.

for indoor 2.4ghz wifi the rb951Ui will be the best, but for outdoor y think sxt lite is good but only has level 3 license (no ap function)
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Re: map2n not very good wifi

Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:43 pm

Sometimes less is more when it comes to power, though.
I think the mAP2 is designed to be something that you set up multiples of them in a denser arrangement and using the CAPSman controller for roaming and such. More quiet radios closer to the clients is good in situations where you have a noisy RF environment. You create less background noise doing it this way.

If you want just one AP for a house, then yeah, more power and sensitivity is key.
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Re: map2n not very good wifi


I have tried mAP2n-lite now as well. This is dual-chain or whatever (300mbps on 802.11n).
It also finally supports proper PoE.
It's also tiny.

I have some issues with compatibility but I think I need to experiement with channel setup. I'm using CAPsMANv2.

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