Setup is as follows:
Modem <-> RouterA (RB2011) <-> RouterB (hAP)
RouterA and RouterB both have wired devices attached (computers, IPTV boxes, ...)
他们还提供无线网络。什么I want now is both of these access points to provide "the same" wireless network. As in, when you move from away from RouterA and closer to RouterB (and it looses signal of RouterA), the client swaps over without any visible downtime to him (or as low as possible).
From looking at the wiki and other threads so far, it seems as the correct way would be to set "wds mode" to "dynamic" and run RouterB as a "wds slave" while RouterA is an "ap bridge". The default WDS bridge would then be set to "br-lan" (the bridge powering all devices on RouterA and RouterB, including the other wired devices and wireless devices).
Is this correct?