But why the WDS/station-psudobridge? Because you want to have the client deal with the PPPoE authentication themselves?
I see no advantage in that? Some clients hardly know how to switch their PC on (really!
), let alone how to setup a PPPoE interface and a login. So we still end up with the need to help many of them in arranging this.
Why have the clients run the PPPoE client themselves?
1) many clients demand they have control of the IP on their own firewall (so they can setup their own firewall rules, run IPSec VPNs etc).
2) it requires less config on your equipment, and swapping out a damaged CPE is much easier on the tech
3) it gives greater troubleshooting capabilites to your staff (if the PPPoE session is up and stable for the last 36 days, you have already ruled out any wireless troubles, CPE problems, and issues with their router and you can immeaditly tell that the issue is between their PC and the router.
4) it's just the right way to do it.
And how to manage the client's CPE unit? A separate network structure for this? Or just a IP address in the same network as the client's device. I run out of IP's double as fast this way I would think..?
each VLAN (each AP was on a seperate VLAN) was given a /24 of private IP space and had DHCP running (done at the same mikrotik running PPPoE). the CPEs pulled DHCP from the tower, upstream the core routers in the data center were configured to run webproxy on any traffic from those private IP ranges, and redirect all WWW traffic to a page with instructions on setting up your computer or router to use PPPoE, all other traffic was blocked
And what if client has viruses or trojans? By having the whole tower bridged local network storms can arise at more ease then when the client would be at least behind a nat firewall and the network operator has more control over it? Some traffic management already should take place at this client CPE unit anyway is my opinion.
On the AP default forwarding was turned off, and since each AP was on a seperate VLAN, the customer was only able to see their CPE, and the PPPoE server on the network, all other traffic was isolated from them. Additionally the AP was set with a default client TX rate of 1mbps, so the CPE limited the traffic to be uploaded to 1mbps even before hitting the air, much less getting to the simple queue on the PPPoE server.
And what about if the client wants more devices on-line. How to split his account up for more user devices? You hand him out a second authentication and charge him twice? Or you divide his contractual speed over two accounts?
they use a router, and hook as many devices as they want up. this was our preferred way even if they only had one device.
Is it not more easy to have the CPE become the client end border router and have all the authentication and network management be handled up to into that CPE by the operator? On the client side of the router he can have any and as many devices he'd like, they just share his contractual speeds. And if he wants a phone, I can have a tunnel from my main concentrator go into this end router where we only have to setup some interface bridging or port forwarding to reach his VOIP/SKype box?
you add complexity to your config if you were to do that, and when clients need non-natted connections (some VPN software for example) this meathod fails, or you have to make special case configs that require additional training of your staff, and create opportunities for mistakes to be made when things are upgraded.
if you follow the K.I.S.S. model, things work much better (Keep It Stupid Simple), and no one needs to remember how things are done for each customer, as they are all configured the exact same.
如果你想我来设置你的一些设备up or help more with the configs and/or meathods, or even QOS for the VoIP I'd be happy to get involved.