No support.
<?php / / / l雷竞技/ RouterOS API类/ /作者:丹尼斯英航sta // class routeros_api { var $debug = false; // Show debug information var $error_no; // Variable for storing connection error number, if any var $error_str; // Variable for storing connection error text, if any var $attempts = 5; // Connection attempt count var $connected = false; // Connection state var $delay = 3; // Delay between connection attempts in seconds var $port = 8728; // Port to connect to var $timeout = 3; // Connection attempt timeout and data read timeout var $socket; // Variable for storing socket resource /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function debug($text) { if ($this->debug) echo $text . "\n"; } /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function encode_length($length) { if ($length < 0x80) { $length = chr($length); } else if ($length < 0x4000) { $length |= 0x8000; $length = chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF); } else if ($length < 0x200000) { $length |= 0xC00000; $length = chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF); } else if ($length < 0x10000000) { $length |= 0xE0000000; $length = chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF); } else if ($length >= 0x10000000) $length = chr(0xF0) . chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr( ($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF); return $length; } /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function connect($ip, $login, $password) { for ($ATTEMPT = 1; $ATTEMPT <= $this->attempts; $ATTEMPT++) { $this->connected = false; $this->debug('Connection attempt #' . $ATTEMPT . ' to ' . $ip . ':' . $this->port . '...'); if ($this->socket = @fsockopen($ip, $this->port, $this->error_no, $this->error_str, $this->timeout) ) { socket_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->timeout); $this->write('/login'); $RESPONSE = $this->read(false); if ($RESPONSE[0] == '!done') { if (preg_match_all('/[^=]+/i', $RESPONSE[1], $MATCHES) ) { if ($MATCHES[0][0] == 'ret' && strlen($MATCHES[0][1]) == 32) { $this->write('/login', false); $this->write('=name=' . $login, false); $this->write('=response=00' . md5(chr(0) . $password . pack('H*', $MATCHES[0][1]) ) ); $RESPONSE = $this->read(false); if ($RESPONSE[0] == '!done') { $this->connected = true; break; } } } } fclose($this->socket); } sleep($this->delay); } if ($this->connected) $this->debug('Connected...'); else $this->debug('Error...'); return $this->connected; } /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function disconnect() { fclose($this->socket); $this->connected = false; $this->debug('Disconnected...'); } /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function parse_response($response) { if (is_array($response) ) { $PARSED = array(); $CURRENT = null; for ($i = 0, $imax = count($response); $i < $imax; $i++) { if (in_array($response[$i], array('!fatal', '!re', '!trap') ) ) { if ($response[$i] == '!re') $CURRENT = &$PARSED[]; else $CURRENT = &$PARSED[$response[$i]][]; } else if ($response[$i] != '!done') { if (preg_match_all('/[^=]+/i', $response[$i], $MATCHES) ) $CURRENT[$MATCHES[0][0]] = (isset($MATCHES[0][1]) ? $MATCHES[0][1] : ''); } } return $PARSED; } else return array(); } /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function read($parse = true) { $RESPONSE = array(); while (true) { $LENGTH = ord(fread($this->socket, 1) ); if ($LENGTH > 0) { $_ = fread($this->socket, $LENGTH); $RESPONSE[] = $_; } $STATUS = socket_get_status($this->socket); if ($LENGTH > 0) $this->debug('>>> [' . $LENGTH . ', ' . $STATUS['unread_bytes'] . '] ' . $_); if ( (!$this->connected && !$STATUS['unread_bytes']) || ($this->connected && $_ == '!done' && !$STATUS['unread_bytes']) ) break; } if ($parse) $RESPONSE = $this->parse_response($RESPONSE); return $RESPONSE; } /************************************************** * *************************************************/ function write($command, $param2 = true) { if ($command) { fwrite($this->socket, $this->encode_length(strlen($command) ) . $command); $this->debug('<<< [' . strlen($command) . '] ' . $command); if (gettype($param2) == 'integer') { fwrite($this->socket, $this->encode_length(strlen('.tag=' . $param2) ) . '.tag=' . $param2 . chr(0) ); $this->debug('<<< [' . strlen('.tag=' . $param2) . '] .tag=' . $param2); } else if (gettype($param2) == 'boolean') fwrite($this->socket, ($param2 ? chr(0) : '') ); return true; } else return false; } } ?>
<?php require('routeros_api.class.php'); $API = new routeros_api(); $API->debug = true; if ($API->connect('', 'LOGIN', 'PASSWORD')) { $API->write('/interface/getall'); $READ = $API->read(); $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ); print_r($ARRAY); $API->disconnect(); } ?>
Array ( [0] => Array ( [.id] => *1 [name] => ether1 [mtu] => 1500 [type] => ether [running] => yes [dynamic] => no [slave] => no [comment] => [disabled] => no ) [1] => Array ( [.id] => *2 [name] => ether2 [mtu] => 1500 [type] => ether [running] => yes [dynamic] => no [slave] => no [comment] => [disabled] => no ) [2] => Array ( [.id] => *3 [name] => ether3 [mtu] => 1500 [type] => ether [running] => yes [dynamic] => no [slave] => no [comment] => ether3 [disabled] => no ) )