Perché non scrivi in Inglese?Aber ich benutze WhatsApp GB, kann ich Benachrichtigungen senden?
/log warning "callmebot 392*******: Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])"; /tool fetch http-method=get mode=https url="*******&apikey=******&text=Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])";
I added "for receive notification on WhatsApp" etc.,I use telegram bot, but this seems interesting.
can be used everywhere, is simple ros script :)Yes but I dont have dude so is that needed............
done thanks!!can be used everywhere, is simple ros script :)Yes but I dont have dude so is that needed............
When covid-19 comes out of ... I hope it can offer you something refreshing, if you come to Italy near my area :))done thanks!!can be used everywhere, is simple ros script :)Yes but I dont have dude so is that needed............
my wife and I did 65Km road and trail ride, to practice conquering the roads and trails of italy of course.
if used in terminal?should be replaced by\?otherwise MTiK would remove?search tag # rextended send whatsapp notification
I use this for receive notification on WhatsApp:
for send message, to MY WhatsApp on the phone, The Dude alerts:
Code:Select all/log warning "callmebot 392*******: Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])"; /tool fetch http-method=get mode=https url="*******&apikey=******&text=Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])";
# function FuncWhatsAppSender. Аllows you to send messages in national languages. # by Sertik & DrPioneer 02/11/2022 # --------------------------------------------- #[phone_number]&text=[message]&apikey=[your_apikey] :global FuncWhatsAppSender :if (!any $FuncWhatsAppSender) do={ :global FuncWhatsAppSender do={ :if ([:len $0]!=0) do={ :local Emoji "%F0%9F%A7%9A" :local WhatsAppPhone 7XXXXXXXXXX :local WhatsAppApiKey YYYYYY :if ([:len $2]=0) do={ # Function of converting CP1251 to UTF8 # :local FuncCP1251toUTF8 do={ :local cp1251 [:toarray {"\20";"\01";"\02";"\03";"\04";"\05";"\06";"\07";"\08";"\09";"\0A";"\0B";"\0C";"\0D";"\0E";"\0F"; \ "\10";"\11";"\12";"\13";"\14";"\15";"\16";"\17";"\18";"\19";"\1A";"\1B";"\1C";"\1D";"\1E";"\1F"; \ "\21";"\22";"\23";"\24";"\25";"\26";"\27";"\28";"\29";"\2A";"\2B";"\2C";"\2D";"\2E";"\2F";"\3A"; \ "\3B";"\3C";"\3D";"\3E";"\3F";"\40";"\5B";"\5C";"\5D";"\5E";"\5F";"\60";"\7B";"\7C";"\7D";"\7E"; \ "\C0";"\C1";"\C2";"\C3";"\C4";"\C5";"\C6";"\C7";"\C8";"\C9";"\CA";"\CB";"\CC";"\CD";"\CE";"\CF"; \ "\D0";"\D1";"\D2";"\D3";"\D4";"\D5";"\D6";"\D7";"\D8";"\D9";"\DA";"\DB";"\DC";"\DD";"\DE";"\DF"; \ "\E0";"\E1";"\E2";"\E3";"\E4";"\E5";"\E6";"\E7";"\E8";"\E9";"\EA";"\EB";"\EC";"\ED";"\EE";"\EF"; \ "\F0";"\F1";"\F2";"\F3";"\F4";"\F5";"\F6";"\F7";"\F8";"\F9";"\FA";"\FB";"\FC";"\FD";"\FE";"\FF"; \ "\A8";"\B8";"\B9";"\8D"}]; :local utf8 [:toarray {"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"000A";"0020";"0020";"000A";"0020";"0020"; \ "0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020"; \ "0021";"0022";"0023";"0024";"0025";"0026";"0027";"0028";"0029";"002A";"002B";"002C";"002D";"002E";"002F";"003A"; \ "003B";"003C";"003D";"003E";"003F";"0040";"005B";"005C";"005D";"005E";"005F";"0060";"007B";"007C";"007D";"007E"; \ "D090";"D091";"D092";"D093";"D094";"D095";"D096";"D097";"D098";"D099";"D09A";"D09B";"D09C";"D09D";"D09E";"D09F"; \ "D0A0";"D0A1";"D0A2";"D0A3";"D0A4";"D0A5";"D0A6";"D0A7";"D0A8";"D0A9";"D0AA";"D0AB";"D0AC";"D0AD";"D0AE";"D0AF"; \ "D0B0";"D0B1";"D0B2";"D0B3";"D0B4";"D0B5";"D0B6";"D0B7";"D0B8";"D0B9";"D0BA";"D0BB";"D0BC";"D0BD";"D0BE";"D0BF"; \ "D180";"D181";"D182";"D183";"D184";"D185";"D186";"D187";"D188";"D189";"D18A";"D18B";"D18C";"D18D";"D18E";"D18F"; \ "D001";"D191";"2116";"000A"}]; :local convStr ""; :local code ""; :for i from=0 to=([:len $1]-1) do={ :local symb [:pick $1 $i ($i+1)]; :local idx [:find $cp1251 $symb]; :local key ($utf8->$idx); :if ([:len $key] != 0) do={ :set $code ("%$[:pick ($key) 0 2]%$[:pick ($key) 2 4]"); :if ([pick $code 0 3] = "%00") do={:set $code ([:pick $code 3 6])} } else={:set code ($symb)}; :set $convStr ($convStr.$code); } :return ($convStr); } :local StrWS [$FuncCP1251toUTF8 $1] :set StrWS ("$Emoji"."%20"."$[/system identity get name]"."%0A"."$StrWS") do {/tool fetch url="\?phone=$WhatsAppPhone&text=$StrWS&apikey=$WhatsAppApiKey" keep-result=no; :return "Done" } on-error={:log info; :log error "Error function $0 fetch"; :log info ""; :return "Error fetch"} } else={:log info; log error "Parametrs function $0 mismatch"; :log info ""; :return "Error parametrs mismatch"} } } }
# WhatsApp通知Sertik脚本,drPioneer# # tested on ROS 6.2 and old # updated 2022/11/11 :global FuncWhatsAppSender; :if (!any $FuncWhatsAppSender) do={ :if ([:len [/system script find name="Func_WhatsAppSender"]]!=0) do={ /system script run Func_WhatsAppSender} } :if (any $FuncWhatsAppSender) do={ :global lastTimeLogWS; :do { # Function of searching comments for MAC-address by Virtue # :local FindMacAddr do={ :if ($1 ~"[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]") do={ :foreach idx in=[ /ip dhcp-server lease find dynamic=no disabled=no; ] do={ :local mac [ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx mac-address; ]; :if ($1 ~"$mac") do={ :return ($1." [".[ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx comment; ]."]."); } } :foreach idx in=[ /interface bridge host find; ] do={ :local mac [ /interface bridge host get $idx mac-address; ]; :if ($1 ~"$mac") do={ :return ($1." [".[ /interface bridge host get $idx on-interface; ]."]."); } } } :return ($1); } # Time translation function to UNIX-time by Jotne # :local EpochTime do={ :local ds [/system clock get date]; :local ts [/system clock get time]; if ([:len $1] > 8) do={ :set ds "$[:pick $1 0 6]/$[:pick $ds 7 11]"; :set ts [:pick $1 7 15]; } :local yesterday false; if ([:len $1] = 8) do={ if ([:totime $1] > ts) do={ :set yesterday (true); } :set ts $1; } :local months; :if ((([:pick $ds 9 11]-1)/4) != (([:pick $ds 9 11])/4)) do={ :set months {"an"=0;"eb"=31;"ar"=60;"pr"=91;"ay"=121;"un"=152;"ul"=182;"ug"=213;"ep"=244;"ct"=274;"ov"=305;"ec"=335}; } else={ :set months {"an"=0;"eb"=31;"ar"=59;"pr"=90;"ay"=120;"un"=151;"ul"=181;"ug"=212;"ep"=243;"ct"=273;"ov"=304;"ec"=334}; } :set ds (([:pick $ds 9 11]*365)+(([:pick $ds 9 11]-1)/4)+($months->[:pick $ds 1 3])+[:pick $ds 4 6]); :set ts (([:pick $ts 0 2]*60*60)+([:pick $ts 3 5]*60)+[:pick $ts 6 8]); if (yesterday) do={ :set ds ($ds-1); } :return ($ds*24*60*60 + $ts + 946684800 - [/system clock get gmt-offset]); } # Main body of WS notification script :local outMsg ""; :local nameID [ /system identity get name; ]; :local logGet [ :toarray [ /log find ($topics ~"warning" || $topics ~"error" || $topics ~"critical" || $topics ~"caps" || $topics ~"wireless" || $message ~"logged in"); ]]; :local logCnt [ :len $logGet ]; if ([:len $lastTimeLogWS] < 1) do={ :put ("Time of the last log entry was not found."); :set outMsg (">$[ /system clock get time; ] WhatsApp notification started."); } if ($logCnt > 0) do={ :local lastTime [$EpochTime [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt-1)] time; ]]; :local index 0; :local tempTime; :local tempMessage; :local tempTopic; :local unixTime; :do { :set index ($index + 1); :set tempTime [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] time; ]; :set tempTopic [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] topics; ]; :set tempMessage [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] message; ]; :set tempMessage (">".$tempTime." ".$tempMessage); :local findMacMsg ([$FindMacAddr $tempMessage]); :set unixTime [$EpochTime $tempTime]; if (($unixTime > $lastTimeLogWS) && (!(($tempTopic ~"caps" || $tempTopic ~"wireless") && ($tempMessage != $findMacMsg)))) do={ :put $findMacMsg; :set outMsg ($findMacMsg."%0A".$outMsg); } } while=(($unixTime > $lastTimeLogWS) && ($index < $logCnt)); :if (([:len $lastTimeLogWS] < 1) || (([:len $lastTimeLogWS] > 0) && ($lastTimeLogWS != $lastTime) && ([:len $outMsg] > 8) )) do={ :set lastTimeLogWS $lastTime; [$FuncWhatsAppSender $outMsg] :put ("Generated and send string for WhatsApp:\r\n".$outMsg); } else={ :put ("No log entries suitable for sending were found."); } } else={ :put ("Necessary log entries were not found."); } } on-error={ :put ("Script error: check FuncWhatsAppSender are specified correctly."); } }
Is there a way to convert CP1252to UTF8?
:全球ASCIItoCP1252toUTF8 ={:本地ascii”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local CP1252toUTF8 {"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"09";"0A";"EFBFBD";"0A";"0A";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD"; "EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD";"EFBFBD"; "20";"21";"22";"23";"24";"25";"26";"27";"28";"29";"2A";"2B";"2C";"2D";"2E";"2F"; "30";"31";"32";"33";"34";"35";"36";"37";"38";"39";"3A";"3B";"3C";"3D";"3E";"3F"; "40";"41";"42";"43";"44";"45";"46";"47";"48";"49";"4A";"4B";"4C";"4D";"4E";"4F"; "50";"51";"52";"53";"54";"55";"56";"57";"58";"59";"5A";"5B";"5C";"5D";"5E";"5F"; "60";"61";"62";"63";"64";"65";"66";"67";"68";"69";"6A";"6B";"6C";"6D";"6E";"6F"; "70";"71";"72";"73";"74";"75";"76";"77";"78";"79";"7A";"7B";"7C";"7D";"7E";"7F"; "E282AC";"EFBFBD";"E2809A";"C692";"E2809E";"E280A6";"E280A0";"E280A1";"CB86";"E280B0";"C5A0";"E280B9";"C592";"EFBFBD";"C5BD";"EFBFBD"; "EFBFBD";"E28098";"E28099";"E2809C";"E2809D";"E280A2";"E28093";"E28094";"CB9C";"E284A2";"C5A1";"E280BA";"C593";"EFBFBD";"C5BE";"C5B8"; "C2A0";"C2A1";"C2A2";"C2A3";"C2A4";"C2A5";"C2A6";"C2A7";"C2A8";"C2A9";"C2AA";"C2AB";"C2AC";"C2AD";"C2AE";"C2AF"; "C2B0";"C2B1";"C2B2";"C2B3";"C2B4";"C2B5";"C2B6";"C2B7";"C2B8";"C2B9";"C2BA";"C2BB";"C2BC";"C2BD";"C2BE";"C2BF"; "C380";"C381";"C382";"C383";"C384";"C385";"C386";"C387";"C388";"C389";"C38A";"C38B";"C38C";"C38D";"C38E";"C38F"; "C390";"C391";"C392";"C393";"C394";"C395";"C396";"C397";"C398";"C399";"C39A";"C39B";"C39C";"C39D";"C39E";"C39F"; "C3A0";"C3A1";"C3A2";"C3A3";"C3A4";"C3A5";"C3A6";"C3A7";"C3A8";"C3A9";"C3AA";"C3AB";"C3AC";"C3AD";"C3AE";"C3AF"; "C3B0";"C3B1";"C3B2";"C3B3";"C3B4";"C3B5";"C3B6";"C3B7";"C3B8";"C3B9";"C3BA";"C3BB";"C3BC";"C3BD";"C3BE";"C3BF" } :local string $1 :if (([:typeof $string] != "str") or ($string = "")) do={ :return "" } :local lenstr [:len $string] :local constr "" :for pos from=0 to=($lenstr - 1) do={ :local utf ($CP1252toUTF8->[:find $ascii [:pick $string $pos ($pos + 1)] -1]) :local sym "" :if ([:len $utf] = 2) do={:set sym "%$[:pick $utf 0 2]" } :if ([:len $utf] = 4) do={:set sym "%$[:pick $utf 0 2]%$[:pick $utf 2 4]" } :if ([:len $utf] = 6) do={:set sym "%$[:pick $utf 0 2]%$[:pick $utf 2 4]%$[:pick $utf 4 6]" } :set constr "$constr$sym" } :return $constr } :put [$ASCIItoCP1252toUTF8 "test"]
there is not a direct function to obtain ascii value from a character,but what kind of ASCI order is that? What is this needed for? or can you translate that too?
Logging in where?what does that have to do with logging in?
For... what?Can someone please provide a complete script?
search tag # rextended send whatsapp notification
I use this for receive notification on WhatsApp:
for send message, to MY WhatsApp on the phone, The Dude alerts:
Code:Select all/log warning "callmebot 392*******: Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])"; /tool fetch http-method=get mode=https url="*******&apikey=******&text=Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status] ([Service.ProblemDescription])";
{:本地intGoff [: tonum[/系统时钟gmt-offset]] :if ($intGoff > 86400) do={:set intGoff ($intGoff - 4294967296)} :local epochNow (([/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user])->"data") # not needed for this url, but is better keep it # :set epochNow [:pick $epochNow 1 ([:len $epochNow] - 1)] :local upTime [/system resource get uptime] :local wPos [:find $upTime "w" -1] :local dPos [:find $upTime "d" -1] :local utLen [:len $upTime] :local utSec [:pick $upTime ($utLen - 2) $utLen] :local utMin [:pick $upTime ($utLen - 5) ($utLen - 3)] :local utHou [:pick $upTime ($utLen - 8) ($utLen - 6)] :local utDay 0 :local utWee 0 :if (([:typeof $wPos] = "nil") and ([:typeof $dPos] = "num")) do={:set utDay [:pick $upTime 0 $dPos] } :if (([:typeof $wPos] = "num") and ([:typeof $dPos] = "num")) do={:set utDay [:pick $upTime ($wPos + 1) $dPos] } :if ([:typeof $wPos] = "num") do={:set utWee [:pick $upTime 0 $wPos] } :local totUtSec ($utSec + (60 * $utMin) + (60 * 60 * $utHou) + (60 * 60 * 24 * $utDay) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * $utWee)) :local epochStart ($epochNow - $totUtSec + $intGoff) :local datetimeStart (([/tool fetch url="$epochStart" as-value output=user])->"data") # not needed for this url, but is better keep it # :set datetimeStart [:pick $datetimeStart 1 ([:len $datetimeStart] - 1)] [/tool fetch url="\?phone=+5XXXXXXXXXX&text=$datetimeStart&apikey=25XXXX" mode=http keep-result=no]; }
{ /system clock :local itime [get time] [/tool fetch url="\?phone=+5xxxxxxxxxxx&text=$itime&apikey=2xxxxx" mode=http keep-result=no]; }
Example??Hi there!hi all
good time
how to send MikriTik Message ( Notifications ) via WhatsApp ?
example : ... am_Example
best regards
To send MikroTik notifications via WhatsApp, you'll need to follow these steps:
1. Set up a WhatsApp Business Account: To send messages via WhatsApp, you'll need a WhatsApp Business Account. You can create one by downloading the WhatsApp Business app from the app store and following the setup instructions.
2.获得一个WhatsApp业务API:使用世界卫生大会tsApp Business API, you'll need to apply for access through the WhatsApp Business API official website. Follow the application process and obtain the necessary API credentials.
3. Configure MikroTik Notifications: MikroTik devices can send notifications using various methods, such as email, SMS, and scripts. You can configure MikroTik notifications to trigger a script that sends a message to the WhatsApp Business API using the obtained API credentials.
4. Develop a Script to Send WhatsApp Message: You'll need to develop a script that sends a message to the WhatsApp Business API using the API credentials and the appropriate API endpoints. You can use a programming language such as Python or PHP to develop the script.
5. Test and Deploy: Once the script is developed, you can test it to ensure that it sends messages correctly to the WhatsApp Business API. Once tested and working correctly, you can deploy the script to your MikroTik device and configure it to trigger notifications as needed.
It's important to note that sending messages via WhatsApp using the API requires compliance with WhatsApp's terms of service and guidelines. Make sure to review and adhere to their policies to avoid any violations.
It's important to note the forum members take a dim view of first time posters who seemingly cut-and-paste a generic answer from a Ai LLM, like ChatGPT. This behavior may violate policies and/or community standards. In some jurisdictions, using some AI models or services may violate law.It's important to note that sending messages via WhatsApp using the API requires compliance with WhatsApp's terms of service and guidelines. Make sure to review and adhere to their policies to avoid any to send MikriTik Message ( Notifications ) via WhatsApp ?
example : ... am_Example
Has anyone used NETWATCH to recieve notifications on telegram?
[url=htstp:// whatsapp-apk/][ size=1]GB APK[/ size][/url]
You must have younger eyes than I do, or do you have selenium script to detect these?added hidden link to one whatsapp apk...
size=1 on text? A very idiot...
Just a "little" RegEx for SpamGPT...You must have younger eyes than I do, or do you have selenium script to detect these?
因为他们还没有让我得到我的手BTW, why can't the forum software detect and disallow "hidden" links? (and possibly ban the user? especially on a first post).
Removed but you additionaly exposed the link doubling the effect so please get your hands on itAnother mother–ker that try to fool SpamGPT:
added hidden link to one whatsapp apk...
size=1 on text? A very idiot...
Has anyone used NETWATCH to recieve notifications on telegram?
[url=htstp://*******/ ****/][ size=1]GB APK[/ size][/url]
Sorry, not.Removed but you additionaly exposed the link doubling the effect so please get your hands on it
They should make me moderator again, I didn't miss one...Above is 1st time poster with a hidden \[size=1\] spam in the quoted text. Is there no way to block these via some script on the forum backend?
Just add to the php:我是一个自动化的家伙。我们需要的是一个n awk script on the server, and some regex's.
I can't comment, for various reasons, but it's not to avoid using emoticons....But even if you disable smilies, you can still use emoje.
another spam post, please gentlemen moderators solve this problem....Using third-party applications or scripts linked into the MikroTik RouterOS, it is possible to send MikroTik alerts through WhatsApp. This increases the effectiveness of network administration and monitoring by allowing administrators to simply receive important information on their cellphones.
Can someone teach that moderator common sense? It's easy to understand when it's bulls–t just to spam...another spam post, please gentlemen moderators solve this problem....Using third-party applications or scripts linked into the MikroTik RouterOS, it is possible to send MikroTik alerts through WhatsApp. This increases the effectiveness of network administration and monitoring by allowing administrators to simply receive important information on their cellphones.