This is not easy 3 line script.
Some theory must be add.
NetWatch运行时UP-scriptor DOWN-script create a new job every times and owner of job is *sys user and previous/opposite job is not kill. Few changes of ISP and Netwatch run parallel jobs.
Multiple instances of up&down-script scripts duplication are the same job property, we can not select what job is up or down script.
They have
many limitation as *sys userlike global variable are real a local ones. We have not permission to remove a real one globals or create real one. Cannot create new script. We can create scheduler who can create scripts but all operations are with *sys user and are still limited.
Other limitation are: Netwatch not check few times until change state, Use only main route table, cannot use a specific src-address.
Very wrong situation. On some limitation we can use solution/workaround like:
* Use a separated "System Script" to identify scripts in script\jobs tab. We must use the "dont-require-permissions=yes" becuase NetWatch use *sys user but our system script use our logon user.
* Kill opposite one if still exist by e.g. /system script job remove [find script~"SomeOppositeScript"] but it must run as separate system script
Note: "
Improved NetWatch II script" create a big infinite ":do loop" with additional pings who have latency and timeout, to many loops inside NetWatch itself. Additional NetWatch do his ping of state and we do pings from inside script's = dual ping from our router. Good example of use it is at "
Enhanced NetWatch by manojlovicl"
Main JOBis to do Re-Connect USB LTE connection
1) Turn off Power on USB port, not work at all RouterBoard with USB, list of devices are in ... port_tablelike: RB750UP, RB751G-2HnD and RB751U-2HnD.
e.g. /system routerboard
usb power-resetduration=3;
2) Just re-enable lte interface
e.g. /interface
lte disable[find]; delay 3s; /interface lte enable [find];
3) at the end we must do a Reboot of MikroTik device.
e.g. /
system reboot
other) of course are other like... modem can use PPP dial to re-connection or use a AT command is modem accept it bo change LTE Band, etc. etc.
My idea and solution.
Why anyone not thinking about
NetWatch properties like Status && Since- both give us good feedback without additional own ping-loops.
We can create a
simple scheduler from down-script to do a Main Jobwith limitation of *sys user to do our job in future like old "logic bomb" in virus terminology.
Simple solutions are the best, they say "Trust me, I'm an engineer" too :)
Check this out.
SiB way example:
1. Create NetWatch-> only it will do ping testing of target host and run up/down-script.
/tool netwatch add host= interval=10s timeout=500ms disabled=no comment=RePowerUSB
2. Add UP-script-> Remove future action because ISP is up.
Do Nothing more.
/system scheduler remove [find where name~"SiBexRePowerUSBv"];
3a. Add DOWN-script-> ReCreate future jobs before DeadLine came true in 5m or 7m and last hope do reboot in 15m.
#添加行动通过调度程序/系统sched未来uler remove [find where name~"SiBexRePowerUSBv"]; local now [/system clock get time]; /system scheduler add name=SiBexRePowerUSBv1 on-event={/system routerboard usb power-reset duration=3;} start-time=($now+5m ); /system scheduler add name=SiBexRePowerUSBv2 on-event={/interface lte disable [find]; delay 3s; /interface lte enable [find];} start-time=($now+7m ); /system scheduler add name=SiBexRePowerUSBv3 on-event={/system reboot;} start-time=($now+15m );
You see the idea now.
This is not work good when we have problems with ISP happen at 23:59:59 and the scheduler must be created next day, means when we must
Crossing Midnight.
3b. Final Netwatch DOWN-scriptwith
function who resolve the Crossing Midnight problemis:
日志错误”开始Netwatch DOWN-script…”;# # # # # ############ MAIN PROGRAM BELOW, NOT HERE ###################### # ################ DEFINE FUNCTION SOLVING Crossing Midnight ############## /local SiBFixDateTime do={ #/local SiBTimeToChange "23:45:00"; /local SiBTimeToChange $2; #/local SiBTimeDiffToAdd "60m2s"; # diff time < 24h /local SiBTimeDiffToAdd $3; # diff time < 24h #/local SiBDate "dec/31/2020" /local SiBDate $1 /local SiBDateCorrected; #log warning ("Source: ".$SiBDate." ".$SiBTimeToChange." + ".$SiBTimeDiffToAdd); #put ("Source: ".$SiBDate." ".$SiBTimeToChange." + ".$SiBTimeDiffToAdd); # Add diff time <=24h /local SiBTimeAndDiffTime ($SiBTimeToChange + $SiBTimeDiffToAdd ); /if ([/len $SiBTimeAndDiffTime]=8) do={/set $SiBDateCorrected ($SiBDate." ".$SiBTimeAndDiffTime); }; /if ([/len $SiBTimeAndDiffTime]>8) do={ /set $SiBTimeAndDiffTime ($SiBTimeAndDiffTime-1d); ## Add 24h to date, copy time if exist. set $SiBDateCorrected ($SiBDate." ".$SiBTimeAndDiffTime); # Days: 01-27 local SiBDayToChange [/pick $SiBDateCorrected 4 6;]; if ($SiBDayToChange<=27) do={ set $SiBDayToChange ($SiBDayToChange+1); if ([/len $SiBDayToChange]=1) do={set $SiBDayToChange ("0".$SiBDayToChange)} set $SiBDateCorrected ( [/pick $SiBDateCorrected 0 4].$SiBDayToChange.[/pick $SiBDateCorrected 6 20] ); } else={ if ($SiBDayToChange!=31) do={ # Days: 28..30; Main magic do internal scheduler. /system scheduler remove [find name=SiBTempScheduler2qw34er5v78bn90m]; /system scheduler add name=SiBTempScheduler2qw34er5v78bn90m on-event={nothing } start-time=00:00:01 start-date=( [/pick $SiBDateCorrected 0 4].($SiBDayToChange+1).[/pick $SiBDateCorrected 6 11 ] ); set $SiBDateCorrected ([system scheduler get [find name=SiBTempScheduler2qw34er5v78bn90m] start-date].[/pick $SiBDateCorrected 11 20 ]); /system scheduler remove [find name=SiBTempScheduler2qw34er5v78bn90m]; } else={ # Day 31 for Jan..Nov /local SiBMonths ("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"); /local SiBMounthToChange [/pick $SiBDateCorrected 0 3]; for x from=0 to=10 do={if ([/pick $SiBMonths $x]=$SiBMounthToChange) do={ set $SiBDateCorrected ([pick $SiBMonths ($x+1)]."/01".[/pick $SiBDateCorrected 6 20 ]) }} # Day 31 for Dec if ($SiBMounthToChange="dec") do={ set $SiBDateCorrected ("jan/01/".([/pick $SiBDateCorrected 7 11]+1).[/pick $SiBDateCorrected 11 20] )} }; }; }; #log warning ("New date time: ".$SiBDateCorrected); #put ("New date time: ".$SiBDateCorrected); :return $SiBDateCorrected }; # ################ MAIN PROGRAM ########################### # Select a proper Netwatch local LocNetWatchHost; local LocNetWatchHostComment "RePowerUSB"; # Still is status down? local LocStatus [/tool netwatch get [find host=$LocNetWatchHost comment=$LocNetWatchHostComment ] status]; if ($LocStatus != "down") do={/quit;} # Convert the Netwatch SINCE to separate date and time of current down-time. local LocSince [/tool netwatch get [find host=$LocNetWatchHost comment=$LocNetWatchHostComment status=down ] since]; local LocSinceDate ([/pick $LocSince 0 11]); local LocSinceTime ([/pick $LocSince 12 20]); # Add action to future via scheduler /system scheduler remove [find where name~"SiBexRePowerUSBv"]; # Try MAIN ACTION 1 - RePower USB port local SiBCrossMid [$SiBFixDateTime $LocSinceDate $LocSinceTime 5m ]; local SiBStartDate [pick $SiBCrossMid 0 11]; local SiBStartTime [pick $SiBCrossMid 12 20]; /system scheduler add name=SiBexRePowerUSBv1 on-event={/system routerboard usb power-reset duration=3;} start-date=$SiBStartDate start-time=$SiBStartTime; # Try MAIN ACTION 2 - ReEnable LTE interface local SiBCrossMid [$SiBFixDateTime $LocSinceDate $LocSinceTime 8m ]; local SiBStartDate [pick $SiBCrossMid 0 11]; local SiBStartTime [pick $SiBCrossMid 12 20]; /system scheduler add name=SiBexRePowerUSBv2 on-event={/interface lte disable [find]; delay 3s; /interface lte enable [find];} start-date=$SiBStartDate start-time=$SiBStartTime; # Try MAIN ACTION 3 - Reboot MikroTik RouterBoard local SiBCrossMid [$SiBFixDateTime $LocSinceDate $LocSinceTime 11m ]; local SiBStartDate [pick $SiBCrossMid 0 11]; local SiBStartTime [pick $SiBCrossMid 12 20]; /system scheduler add name=SiBexRePowerUSBv3 on-event={/system reboot;} start-date=$SiBStartDate start-time=$SiBStartTime; log error "stop Netwatch DOWN-script, Future action are scheduled";
This is working of few RouterOS with USB/Ethernet LTE and works very well. I hope anyone can use it because I cannot found at Forum better script and this post is the best to publish answer.
Source at