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多少钱你想花更多的钱吗then now, for higher quality spare parts?

20 - 30 € more for solid caps, SFC´s, mofsets and coolers
29 (36%)
40 - 50 € more for solid caps, SFC´s, mofsets and coolers
12 (15%)
60 - 70 € more for solid caps, SFC´s, mofsets and coolers
6 (8%)
20 - 30 € more for the silent cooling solution RB800
7 (9%)
40 - 50 € more for the silent cooling solution RB800
2 (3%)
over 50 € more for the silent cooling solution RB800
2 (3%)
Do you need or wish the power supply for the 19" rack mount RB?
22 (28%)
Total votes:80
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Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:07 am

Higher quality spare parts, would you pay more ?

Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:55 pm

Hi to all MiktoTik customers, users and clients.

I was reading some forum threads and posts surrounding and about the on board soldered spare parts!
There are many different spare parts out there and many varying types of mofsets, capacitors and other parts, MikroTik
is soldering on their Routerboards and now I want to hereyour voicebout what you are all willing to pay more for
better, higher quality used spare parts or if you are not willing to pay more for those!!

I really don´t know what exact is end pricing for all components, but I am really sure that, if this spare parts are soldered on many or better all boards, it´ll be lower then I know.

If an employee from MikroTik or more of them are watching this thread and the price is not, I reaped once more, if the
here named price flow is obscure or not really realistic, please tell this here and I will change it (the price) immediately
or soon, to become a very realistic case or matching nearly the real life area!!! So also many customers, clients and users are also know what is coming up and what is to pay for this higher quality!

To open a thread and tell what is wrong is one thing, but also to ask for a better solution or offer one is the other thing.

This is only for having a smarter overview and dedicated look to the yourself, perhaps MikroTik but also for myself.
So you are able to vote three times in the poll section, one for the solid caps, mofsets + coolers and sfc´s at one side,
the silent RB800 solution and the 19" rack mount solution.
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Location:Czech republic

Re: Higher quality spare parts, would you pay more ?

Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:14 pm

Hi Dobby, users and clients.[/b]
We had about 30 metal power supply (on the picture) and after 3 years i changed about 50 cap. to new one, 105C, long life, low esr and for SPSupply. There are more expensive and bigger then original cap.

Have a nice day.


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