Is true if you use Chrome (or Opera 16), if not, use TLS.Google (Youtube) usesQUICprotocol not TCP.
"tls-host" is only to tcp applicable
priority 0 -> queue 0
priority 1 -> queue 1
priority 2 -> queue 2
priority 3 -> queue 3
priority 4 -> queue 4
priority 5 -> queue 5
priority 6 -> queue 6
priority 7 -> queue 7
/ip settings> set max-neighbor-entries=
ip > dns > static
[admin@MikroTik] /certificate> create-certificate-request template: Script Error: action cancelled
/certificate> create-certificate-request key-passphrase:
They are external proxysAre you storing the proxy cache in the NAND, a microSD, or an USB disk? Have you tried the latest v6.3?
Are you using OSPF with VRF ?I have 4 CCR 6RC11 the core VRF with no problems.
What you guys been experiencing problems?
Nice +1We can also make something like this -
1. click any rule or item
2. click "lock" icon
3. removing of rule now impossible, shows "item locked"
4. click "unlock" to modify this item
Is anybody else interested in such functionality?
". print_r($ARRAY4) .""; $API->disconnect(); M.
Uptime 5Days
The CPU load is very high.not all 3.xx but nice.....
That look great!. Good WorkIf you need to connect to a RouterOS device with the mac address of a microtik from linux without using wine and terminal.exe, you could try a tool I just created:
chapex is gorderochapex
bro waht picture
are u too small or anttena so big nice one
Yes. I know, it's (S)lave and (R)unning... but i don't know why it's (S)lave
Anyway... thanks for trying
Are you using balanced lines?
2. Each time I open the forum in browser, I check tickbox for keep me connected, but still need to log-in again after I closed browser?
Cookies are enabled in browser.
I try to looking for the bug but i can't. Can you check the sintaxis? (i try with v3 and v4)syntax error (line 49 column 14)
为some special tattoothe drawing is geniusthe pigs especially
/ip firewall filter add chain=output action=log
+1, this could be great feature.Would a "/system reset-configuration file=name.rsc" do what you want? It would reset, and then apply the config in the RSC file so that your CPE could connect to the AP for example.
/tool fetch
Default forwarding is for wirelessthis is working only with wireless clients.Use Firewall rules to stop it and disable default forwarding.
Mikrotik support Q-in-Q, read the Mikrotik News, there is the announcementSince Mikrotik do not have Q-in-Q built-in
Thanks - SB