not working. I cant ping from different VPLS interface.If they are in same l2 domain, you can try to ping host in different VPLS. Dump it and see what you got.
crs11210.10.10.4 is the switch - what kind of switch=? Doeas it use rstp? . Then dissable it on all devices. You dont need it if you have control to your networkm and ypu dont have loop.
Also working fine, but there is no body and subjectthanx i just did it. i just have to select in topics "critical" and put to prefix "login failure".
very nice without script!
/tool e-mail send to="" subject="test" body="test"
no I don't use p2pp2p的选择是捕捉大量的假阳性,so it was removed, i suggest to get rid of any configuration that uses those options.
I advise you to read again what I replied.