Upgraded to 6.35rc16 (from rc14) on three devices as wireless was starting to act up (slow). Immediately I lost control of the cAPs as the interfaces started bouncing. (1) - RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN (2) - RBcAP 2n To recover... I had to disable CAPsMAN interfaces to get control of the two cAPS. Downgraded...
hAP lite: issues with wireless-rep LOG Message: broken package wireless-rep-6.35rc1-smips.npk Board Name: hAP lite Version 6.35rc1 (testing) Architecture Name: smips CPU MIPS 24Kc V7.4 I have two hAP lite devices and both produced the same message. --- no issue with wireless-rep running on a 2011UiA...
I upgraded from v6.31rc12 to v6.31rc14 on a 2011UiAS-2HnD. Not sure if it's noise.... Logs are showing "tx loop on interface ", wasn't seen on any other version. Time: Aug/06/2015 10:02:54 Buffer: memory Topics: interface warning Message: (unknown): tx loop on interface (1) ---- Maybe this...