EC key exchanges are much faster than RSA, because the keysize is much smaller.IKE2 rfc states the use of RSA.
What would be the client devices that support EC? Why exactly you need this?
My usecase are mobile devices on bad mobile connections.
EC key exchanges are much faster than RSA, because the keysize is much smaller.IKE2 rfc states the use of RSA.
What would be the client devices that support EC? Why exactly you need this?
Is there a chance to get support for brainpool ec curves like DH group 28, 29 and 30?*) ipsec - added DH groups 19, 20 and 21 support for phase1 and phase2 (CLI only);
Does this mean you switched to a newer openssl library in this version?*) sstp - allow ECDHE when pfs enabled;
In what specific situation?What's new in 6.27 (2015-Feb-11 13:24):
*) ipsec - fixed crash that happened in specific situation;