Hi, sorry for the question but: Ho can I install routeros on cyberoam ? I have tried but not luck. I am burn iso on usb, but dont boot (i access to bios and I have changed boot priority, but dont work)
IMHO, the fact than Mikrotik do no talk about this, do not announce any plan about this is very negative fot MK, beacuse a lot of clients are having decisions migrating some equipments to other maker, in the absence of solutions about this and other issues (openvpn over udp, gps sync and lot of them...
have to add that, the WAN port is a PPPoE interface, and this trouble rules are: add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat in-interface="pppoe - wan1" protocol=tcp to-addresses= to-ports=1-6999 add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat in-interface="pppoe - wan1" protocol=tcp to-addresses=...
First, you can define a IP pool. Put this pool on profile for you ovpn server. If you want same ip for all clients on the server side, you must indicate it on Local Address. Also on remote address you must indicate pool for clients. You can indicate the same pool for local address too, so the local ...
Hi ! I have a rule on dstnat chain that forward all ports to other router inside , otherwise: all traffic TCP from WAN forward to This rule forward ok all ports. Suddenly I need exclude one port 7000 tcp from this forward, so I modify this rule and replace it for 2 rules: forward port 1-6...
Hi again! one client have entrusted us to update switchs from CPD. There's short plan for new 48 port swtich from mikrotik? or we can search for other solutions. All infraestructure of that client is mikrotik and we would like continue with mk.
Hi! I am having problems, absurds problems, for restore config from RB2011 with 6.36 version to RB1200 with the same version. Restore file config is ok, RB1200 reboots..and i cant access for any ports, and don't answer for the ips for each ports. I have made this process three times with same result...
Hi comrades! I have a OVPN server interface. a Simple question that I don't find answer for it: the OVPN server interface, which interface maps to ? For clear out: mi RB2011 router have ten phisicals interfaces. how can decide the interface/interfaces from OVPN clients are conecting (firewall rule...
At the begining of this post, for me is clear that height of warehousse's roof antenna is too low. The relfexion induced by metals warehouse's roofs is a nightmare for me on most situasions that I experienced. For example, lift two meters the pole is enough for gain signa quality. The same occurs if...
You sure for hard reset. Bridging with a metal piece the reset circle on board, you must hear lot of short beeps. It mean that board is on factory defaults config, and you must access with If your pc is on this subnet, better.
You can make it more easily. You must configure three AP with same ssid, same channel and AP bridge mode. Then, add a wds interface on AP1 for the AP2 and AP3, adding MAC wlan address of them. Enable WDS static on config. Enable use one "default bridge" too, on wds config and add one bridg...
OK, but this CCQ is for link over load or link reposing ? What protocol are you using ? nv2 ? n-Ntreme IMHO test must be made on tcp mode, beacuse udp mode isn't real scenario. Test tcp speed for one minute on download only and same for upload. You must watch CCQ progression for this minute, for pos...
Hi, and sorry for my bad English. I'm breaking my head with this problem. I have one AP RB433 + R52Hn card. RouterOs Version is 6.0x. Connect to this AP there is a Nanostatio Loco M2 with the Last AirOs version (updated today, sorry dont remember the exact version). I'm working on 2,4 ghz, and using...