Have a RB3011 with approximately 150 OVPN - Clients connected. After upgrade to V7.9, the OVPN - Server crashes every 12 - 17 Hours or even immediately after reboot during the Clients are reconnecting. - Clients are still shown under Active Connections but unreachable (ping Timeout), i.e Tunnels are...
It seems, that Mangle Rules are not working properly with wireguard. I have a Chateau LTE12 here, which is used as a kind of backup - router. So it uses a different Standardgateway instead of the lte1 - Interface. But I have some tunnels ( OVPN and Wireguard ) coming in via lte1 - Interface. So as o...
Another OVPN - Problem: Upgraded a Chateau LTE12 from 7.1Beta5 to 7.1rc3. Same with 7.1rc4 ! Under PPP/Interface OVPN - Server Button and PPPoE Scan Button disappeard in Winbox AND Webfig ! ccr2004 - 7.1rc4. all buttons in place https://team.tanhost.com/index.php/s/bddKNXdejYQWo5j/download Seems to...
Updated a RB2011 and a Chateau LTE12 from rc3 to rc4. Problem with OVPN - Server on both boards: If the "Require Client Certificate" in the Server settings is checked, no tunnel can be established. Logging on Server side shows TLS-error ! After unchecking, tunnels are established as excpec...
There seems to be a bug with the MTU - Size in bridge - generation. After generating a new bridge and adding the first port ( Ethernet ) to it, the wrong MTU - size is used. It seems, the L2 MTU ( 1598 ) instead of the real MTU ( 1500 ) is used as MTU for the bridge ! To fix this, the MTU of the Eth...
Updated a RB2011 and a Chateau LTE12 from Beta3 to Beta4. A small Bug is introduced in Beta4:: If anything in "ip/routes" is changed ( modify, add, ... ), only a "by admin" appears in the Log - Window in the Message - Tab. Missing what has been done !
Hello Still having Problems with the OVPN - Server with the V6.3x.x Versions connecting non Mikrotik OVPN - Clients. Problem 1: After connect, there is always a for me unexplainable Erromessage appearing in the Routerlog. OVPN_LOG.jpg Problem 2: The "Local Address" defined in the Secret fo...
Still having the following Error ( Attachement ) at Mikrotik OVPN - Server, when a non Mikrotik - Client connects.
Can anybody explain, what's going wrong ? I tested several ( Linux and Windows ) OVPN - Clients, always the same except the OVPN - Client is a Mikrotik - Router itself !
I backed up a map2n and restored the backup on a 2nd map2n. After restore, all Wireless - Settings ( except the SSID ) were gone, even the wlan - Interface was disabled !
Hello I've Problems with the OVPN - Server coming with RoS 6.33 not solved yet. First of all, after any OVPN - Client, except a MKT - Router, connects, I get the Errormessages shown. Also, the Tunnels are very unstable or the Connection is established but there is no Traffic ( even Ping the other en...
Hello Seems that Winbox3 RC1 has a Bug in the Neighbors - Function, if there is more than 1 LAN - Adapter installed. The Neighbor - List is incomplete ! winbox3.jpg Manfred please make sure you run the latest version before reporting issues. RC5 is out for a while already, you are four versions beh...
In most cases, the problem is the GRE - Protocol which is also ( TCP and GRE are used ) used for PPTP - Connections. Often the ISP uses a DHCP - Server ( in a Router ) which leases non routeable IP - Adresses ( like 10.x.x.x ). This works fine with UDP and TCP but makes lots of troubles with GRE ( n...
Hello Everybody I am connecting 2 Miktrotik Routers ( Router OS V5.22 ) via a OpenVPN - Tunnel. On the server-side, I imported a Certificate + Key and configured the OpenVPN - Server to use this Certificate. On the client-side, I configured the OVPN - Client ( Interface ) to use NO Certificate. Anyw...