Dear friends, Today I stumbled upon the following case I wanted to enable a transparent bridge to connect a security camera and an access controller in an elevator car, exactly like this diagram shows. Both cAP lite with no st...
Dear friends I wrote a very simple script to set a failover with two wan ISPs on my RB1100AHx2 (powerpc) but the same script does not work on a hAP ac lite (mipsbe). I must conclude the scripting is different or with sintaxis variants by model? Thanks in advance for your info pals.
Dear friends I did test this scripts (provided by an indi pal) on my RB1100AHx2 WANs in ports 1 and 5 each one working ok individually. Script Name = movistarDOWN :if ([/ping count=4] = 0) do={/interface disable ether1-gateway ;/interface enable ether5-GATEWAY ENTEL ;/system scheduler disa...