+1. It'd be very useful.Very nice upgrade,
*) netwatch - added "src-address" property;
Please add the option to be able the ping IP for failover in route. example: check gateway ping that would helps
+1. It'd be very useful.Very nice upgrade,
*) netwatch - added "src-address" property;
Please add the option to be able the ping IP for failover in route. example: check gateway ping that would helps
Working fine for meSince this Update my OpenVPN Windows Clients are unable to connect. Mikrotik to Mikrotik with OpenVPN is working. Anyone else see this Problem?
+1Does this have to do with the LTE interface totally missing in some occasions ?*) lte - improved LTE interface detection for LtAP-2HnD devices;
Same for me. if i disable ipsec, all is working.After upgrade to 7.1.1 from v6 i have an issue with l2tp+ipsec with error
< ip >:身份验证失败:同行没有回应to CHAP challenge
Hello, did you upgrade your dude?Hi!
I also have an errorstd failure: not allowed (9).
Installed v6.46.4 [stable], the user has full rights
Is there a solution?
Yes hotspot is still broken, need to install long term version.Is the hotspot still broken on anything over 6.44.6?
Of courseYou're correct, but then you'll also need to set DNS.
Ok it is working, it was a problem of configuration.v6.42rc14, and still not workingirghost, raffav, Cha0s- Seems that we have found an issue with new TLS matcher. We will try to fix it as soon as possible;
Hello Strods, i'll open a ticket right now, thank you.evince- Have you opened support ticket regarding this issue? We have not received any more complaints that this option would not work and have not experienced any more issues with it in our lab.
v6.42rc14, and still not workingirghost, raffav, Cha0s- Seems that we have found an issue with new TLS matcher. We will try to fix it as soon as possible;
Ok Normis but after that? How to upgrade Routerboard?Use the Group tab!
Ok thank you NormisIt is owned by MikroTik. Nothing bad there. It is the same server, just an alternate domain
Just add static DNS entries on your Mikrotik.我怎么真的为e创建一个不同的地址吗ach server?
You are right, sorry it is a mistakeHello,
Just the dst-address. Out interface is not for inbound traffic, just outbound with masquerade action.
Sent from Tapatalk
It depends if he runs with multiple public IPHello,
Just the dst-address. Out interface is not for inbound traffic, just outbound with masquerade action.
Sent from Tapatalk
Jarda is right, just switch to ap bridge and your SSID will appear.Wlan should be an access point? It is in station mode... Read the manual and set it as Ap bridge.