Theres loads of ready to run solutions on the Made for Mikrotik page :
Thats not true. For you it may be pointless, for me, being able to set the SSID across 400+APs is a huge benefit. Of course, I still want the roaming feature too, but every step is a step in the right direction.Roaming is NO1 thing which controller needs to provide. Without that it's pointless.
Sorrry, Typo! PCQ as listed above.First options - no way this can be done.
For the second - how i can limit EACH device with PCC queue ???
Nah, give us a free Lunch tooWe have started to give free routers toeveryparticipant, so this kind of eliminates the need for any special ticket.
:put [/ip hotspot ip-binding find comment=check*]
/tool fetch url=
:if ([:len [/ip hotspot walled-garden find]] > 0) do={ /log info "Entry already in walled garden" } else={ /ip hotspot walled-garden add type=bypassed }
Any idea on release date, as we have a very large installation due that will rely upon this.looks like we were able to find the loop when you connect two APs together with WDS. The fix will be added in v5.18.