Perfect thank you, just checking and exactly what we want, well once we see the a common designation use the term tri band router referring to a 2 x 5ghz + 1 2.4 ghz router
Why does the newsletter state 100m distance when 1km is achievable on that frequency:[*]802.11ad 60GHz Qualcomm and MikroTik press release
That was embarrassing, but thank you all good here now!!Just click "Update" and it will do it. There is no need to make a new Winebottler package every time.
I have Azureus and my P2P rate limit is still working. As I am not too familiar with the program do you have to enable the encryption or does it work automatically?Azureus new transport encryption is not detected.
/ ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat src-address=! dst-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=dst-nat \ to-ports=80 comment="" disabled=no
/ system scheduler add name="monthend" on-event=bring2life start-date=dec/01/2005 start-time=00:00:01