OpenVPN works in UDP-mode, but with very slow speed. Dont know why. Playing with settings on client side - no luck for now...
7.3 upgrade still breaks x86-64 installation to bootloop state... Very bad...
Bad. And now I have bricked x86-64 box, that cant boot. Netinstall does not work on this PC... Very badI tried to upgrade x86-64 with ROS 7.1.2 to 7.2.3 and got cycle reboot after ROS booted... Cant stop this cyclic reboot...
Ok... thanks. Understood. But I said about UDP. It is one of the most important feature in v7....I'm using TCP for OVPN - which didn't work in 7.2 but is working fine in 7.1.5.
Do you have a working openvpn with UDP on 7.1.5 ?
Do you have a working openvpn with UDP on 7.1.5 ?This version also broke OpenVPN for me, have rolled back to 7.1.5 for now and it is working again with no issues.
Hi, thanx but 6.49.2 has no ovpn-udp, like all 6.x1. try 7.2rc3ROS7.1.1 causes CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+ to crash with one ovpn session!
Any suggestions?
2. when not fixed, install 6.49.2
Any news on this problem?we have noticed a sudden increase in power current on our RB1100x4 with 6.48.4 ?
it was bobbing at 450ma for months then after the update its jumped to 750ma?
roll back to 6.48.3 and the current drops back to 450ma?
Hi, 6.44.6 - very stable on top CCR. Using this version on many devices.not we are working on v6.47.2.
I join to this question can we force to not follow system DPI setting?
Hi,I have 2K resolution with 100% scaling and its ok. So it must be scaling.Problem still hare on 2k displays with interface resizing to 125-170%.
Winbox itself and its inner windows has this problem too.
Agreed... Very disappointing fact... Many interesting devices, but 16mb... And causes many troubles with upgrading.I can't understand, why MikroTik put so little flash memory to current devices. 16MB in 2020...
??? All resizing problems are still here. Within winbox and winbox itself...Finally。No more resizing of the windows is nice. Let me try it.
3.22, 3.23 have resizing problem or bug.Problem that was also present in 3.22 with the display of the window when clicking on a certificate crl. The window is not resizable and exceed the size of the winbox window.
Mespinos, do you have any news on this problem?Here also problems with OSPF 24 hours after upgrade. Problems only in 1 CCR of a 10 units farm, but a big headache to identify were the problem was. Solved with reboot. Next night i will downgrade to 6.44.6.
Only 15-25 mins ago auto-update solved. But all bugs, means before - still exists.Check your download/install procedure! This is certainly not right!I think, that 3.23 is the same soft as 3.21-3.22. Same bugs...
It is true. On any interface scale more than 100% - inner window resize bug appears...Everytime I open a new Winbox .viw file it increases the scaling.
I'm using custom scaling in Windows 10 = 115%
Sorry for flood... but GRE-problem is important too...thanks a lot, we'll wait.Yes, something is not quite right with the SFP+ interface on RB4011, we will look forward to fixing it asap!
Test with add-if-missing on interconnected ports on both ends does nothing...Not sure... I will try an report than.This is not a full config export.
And are you sue about always-strip?
Not sure... I will try an report than.This is not a full config export.
And are you sue about always-strip?
Thanks, I will try.Yes. The dude was not subject to change for few years and it seems mikrotik is not going to change anything on it in near future.
Does it applicable for >6.41 dude installations?
Sorry for disturbing.We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused. Fix package for missing storage space has been temporary removed and will soon be updated to patched version.
Repartition does not help... Netinstall - great, but I have many device far from me, as I said - across our country...Do the repartition (if you use it) to one partition only(this helped me). If this is not your case, bad luck then, netinstall I suppose.HELP!
very good!Yesterday rc11. Today rc12![]()
What's new in v3.0rc12:
*) added "clear cache" command to Tools menu;
Thanks, but maybe anybody facing such problem... I think all x86 multi-core devices have it.Just a quick comment to point out that the official support channel is email。雷竞技网站Mikrotik员工可能或者may not read this thread.
Multicore is working for now... but i have no load tests on this chipset. On board Ethernet is not supported.Is there MikroTik 5.0 final supporting Intel 82579V LAN and Intel P67 Chipset?
can anybody help?How to get snmp count of dynamic pppoe\pptp sessions?
thanks... bad news...It is not possible to manager router via VRF.
Also ppp servers/clients are not VRF aware.
Sorry for bump. Any clues?is it possible to have one vrf for internet table and pppoe interfaces and separate vrf for management (with nat possibility to internet vrf)?
UPD: question corrected.
Thank you for info. But the second box is not so new and it also has unknown pci devices... Can you help?I suppose you mean Intel Ethernet controller is not supported on your Sandy Bridge motherboard.
Currently there is no drivers for it.
Do anybody know, how to put pppoe\ppptp dynamic interfaces to vrf, and not to main routing table? Is it possible?But not btest...and DHCP-server is VRF aware..
Sorry for bump, but any news?Yes... I am waiting for this feature long time.... but no hope...bda is looking for a way to have SP-vlans dynamically created, or created in blocks such as in the examples.
This is a pretty common requirement, im suprised it's not already a feature.
I have no interfaces in bridge, only have bridge interface, like cisco loopback interface...Do you have any VLAN port in bridge without MAC address?
Sorry, but does anybody has some problem?Can anybody help?
Yes... I am waiting for this feature long time.... but no hope...bda is looking for a way to have SP-vlans dynamically created, or created in blocks such as in the examples.
This is a pretty common requirement, im suprised it's not already a feature.
But no CoA for PPP, and no ipv6 for PPP, and no vrf aware for ppp.... Cry!
Yes, we also need vrf-aware for pptp/pppoe!Well thanks for pointing that outand DHCP-server is VRF aware..![]()
Are there any plans of bringing VRF awareness at least the other key services like PPP?
Is it true for PPoE/PPtP? I know it works only for wireless...I just checked the changelogs for v4 and 5 and it looks like this was introduced/changed in December last year.
Or am I missing something?
Can we hope on update?we didn't change any drivers so you shouldn't expect support for new hardwareNTEL DH67CF and Intel Core i5-2400S 2.5Ghz Soket 1155 still not working normally...
Thanks for reply. Can I hope on drivers update?we didn't change any drivers so you shouldn't expect support for new hardwareNTEL DH67CF and Intel Core i5-2400S 2.5Ghz Soket 1155 still not working normally...
Oh... Thanks. But as I said before - multicore - is not possible on rc8 and Core i5+H67. Maybe Mikrotik developers help me...these are 2 features that greatly increases throughput of multi-core hardware.
Sorry, but the initial questions was in english... Our conversation on russian was about new hardware and ROS5.this forum is in english, please switch to english
Пробовал и 5 и 7 - теже грабли, если использовать указанное железо. При этом, на Core2Duo+chipset X58 - все нормально.а чем тебя 7-я и 5-я RC версии не устраивают ?? там все теже драйвера, но работают они месяцами без проблем
Yes! But mostly for PPPoE/PPTP.CoA/PoD for PPTP/PPPOE/L2TP/OVPN/SSTP/HotSpot
Спасибо за конструктивный ответ...а так же не стоит юзать последнюю бету, на ней багов уйма.
yes, i`ve got official support answer: pppoe coa is not supported... very, very bad...As of the last stable version of UM and even into version 4 test, no it does not.
Thanks!Try to replace = with ~ it should help.
Can anybody help me! Anybody!Dear developers! Could you please help me to find out an answer on this topic?
Sorry... but does anybody know? Is it possible?Sorry for bumping, but i am seriously need help. Does MT support CoA for PPPoE?
Oh... sounds very catastrophic for me... But could you please explain your statement in more detail. Sorry, but I don`t understand the procedure...It is not possible at the moment, you need to add static pppoe entries in server list and then add them manually to vrf
Is it only way possible?You really need to set things up the other way around. Internet in main routing table. Other interfaces in VRF. ... s_from_VRF ... F_with_NAT
I have 5.0beta6Which version you are running? Works fine on v5.
Ok, thanks. Understood.some new parameters are available only in Terminal. later they are being added to WinBox
This option is not up to date in winbox. Use CLI to set default-originate=always and nothing will be reset unless you open peer config in winbox and make any changes then default-originate will be set to winbox defaults.
Dear developers, could you describe situation with routing table parameter and winbox, please... Sorry for bumping this post...But I cant specify routing table parameter for bgp instance via winbox. Is it right?Yes you can configure it in winbox.
But I cant specify routing table parameter for bgp instance via winbox. Is it right?Yes you can configure it in winbox.
peer set default-originate=always rtr11
Of course!Did you try this?Code:Select all/routing bgp peer refresh-all